Sunday Means Family Day

Now that my wife, son and I are mostly back on our feet after a hard-fought bout with the Flu, we are getting back to our normal routines. One of those routines is spending time together as a family on Sunday.

This Sunday we decided to run some errands around town. After returning a few items from before Christmas that we didn't need, we went looking for some art to put up on our walls. We haven't really decorated our house since we bought it and most of the walls are bare.

Unfortunately, none of the items for sale fit our tastes, or they were perfect for our future non-existent beach house. Since we don't want a beach-themed home, being a bit too far from the beach for it to make sense, we didn't find any art that we could use in our home. Hopefully these pieces still exist if we ever can afford a beach house!

The positive side of not finding anything is that we decided to look online for ideas. Now that we both have looked at art together, we each know what the other person thinks about certain types of art and we can hopefully find some pieces that we both agree on in the future! I'm thinking about printing out some of our landscape photography from our road trip across the US, specifically around the Grand Teton Mountains. I think we could do some quick editing and saturate / dull some of the existing colors in our photos and have a wonderful (and original) piece of art on our walls!

Have any of you decorated your own homes with original art? How did you print out your art (what medium, what service did you use?). Did you buy art from a store? A local artist? I'd love to hear from you all with any past experiences or ideas!

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