Blog Posts - Long-Form? Or Short-Form?

Take me, for instance. I like watching the Joe Rogan podcast, because he actually lets his guest speak, and wander down as many rabbit holes as he wants. The same for me with a nice meaty blog post, where we can get the authors thoughts in a comprehensive manner.

When I write, my articles have a beginning, middle, and an end, which vary depending on the subject. When I start them (as with this one), I let the story tell itself. I have no idea how short or long this post will be, but I'll know because it will conclude naturally.

I had an idea (in general), about what I wanted to say before I started writing, so if I was a betting man, I'd guess that it won't take too long for me to wrap this up. For instance, when Joe had RFK Jr. on, I was happy that he was finally allowed to speak without being constantly interrupted, as I'd seen in other interviews.

To me, a post is almost like a living thing. Let it spread its wings and breathe, and it'll tell you when its done. This is something I never force, because I want my natural voice to come out, and want to make sure my ideas are expressed in the piece.

You can tell when a post has been rushed, because it reads that way. I don't engage in that kind of writing, It just isn't me. Even though we aren't standing in front of each other, I try to blog as if I'm speaking directly to you. If it comes off that way, then I've done my job.

I consider a long post to be anything over 1000 words. With this sentence, I'm crossing 300 words, so it's still a "shortie." I don't believe you should ever compromise your writing in order to please someone else. Damn the torpedoes, and write the article you intended to write.

When I wrote my post about The Station fire in Warwick, Rhode Island a few years ago, It took a week of research and was a long one. 100 people died in that fire, and I wanted that loss of life to shine a light on fire safety, and the dangers of using flammable materials both in the club and at home.

The post is: Life is Precious #6 - The Station Nightclub Fire, and while not many saw it at the time, I consider it one of the most important articles I've ever written.

I wasn't thinking about losing upvotes when I wrote it (for it being "too long"), I just wanted to get the information out.

For those who thought that piece was "too long" I'm perfectly fine with that if it causes one person to take actions which will end up saving a life. During my research, I was shocked at just how flammable polyurethane foam is, and that it can be found in materials throughout the home.

In one of the comments under that post, I wrote this:

"I went to Walmart yesterday and found some of that foam in the form of bedding. The fire warnings on the bottom report how oxygen is removed when these combust. You basically pass out leaving you a sitting duck for the fire. That is why I wanted people to see this post. That foam is everywhere."

In the industry, its known as "solid gasoline" How much of it is in your house? Is your baby sleeping on a mattress made with polyurethane foam? What actions will you take if that's true?

Don't let your story go unsaid.

Write your piece. Speak your mind, and say what you have to say.

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