Yet ANOTHER Person Said I Should Start A Podcast Today...

So I go to get a little checkup today, I sit down to to answer some questions, and next thing you know, the intake guy is telling me that I should start a podcast. I'm thinking "Not with this again." And I tell him that I hear this all the time" he goes: "There's something about just the way you said that. If you started a podcast, I'd tune in."

I don't know what it is that people hear in my voice, but I'm just not hearing anything special when I speak. To me, it's just my ordinary voice that comes out, so I just don't get it.

If I had a British accent, I could understand, beacuse THAT would be awesome. I could listen to a Brit speak all day long, as they have the best accents in the ENTIRE WORLD, full stop. In Germany, I would sit enthralled when my English classmates spoke. They sounded so quaint, educated, and dignified.

Today, I had to leave somone a voicemail. On a hunch, I decided to listen to it before sending it, and lemme tell ya, ya'll be smoking crack, cause nothing blew me away about that message, but what do I know?

People like what they like.

So I told him that it's easy to say one should get into that field, but its hard for me to nail down what it would be about. ALSO, there are some people out there with really great voices that I listen to, and I don't think I could ever measure up to them.

Here's an example...

I love podcasts about the paranormal and other esoteric subjects. One of my favorites is called Expanded Perspectives, hosted by two southern guys, where the main host who reads the emails that come in, has great pipes.

They've got everything nailed down, from the intro banter, to the way he reads the stories, and all the way to the outro music. Now they've been doing this ten years, I think. So they've had plenty of time to work out the kinks, and I probably shouldn't be comparing my possible efforts against them. But they seem to have the paranormal COVERED; know what I mean?

So when I think of entering that genre, I don't see what I could bring that would be unique enough to gain an audience compared to them, as they're sooooo good. So that's where I am right now.

I've got a mic, and a little mixer, but its nailing down that USP (Unique Selling Point), that would make me stand out without copying someone else. I'm not sure my voice would be enough, but if I'm really honest about it, there's a fear of starting and failing, that inhibits me as well.

I'm a tinkerer, and don't want to put out anything sloppy and un-polished.

Maybe I'll do what I did when I first started blogging. Write and record some episodes without publishing them just to get the ball rolling and loosen up a bit, you know?

For now, the God of procrastination is a good friend of mine. :) "I can't do it right now, I have to buy more printer paper, do some laundry, take out the trash, and install my photo-editing software. Next thing you know; "My oh my, look at the time. Guess we'll get to that tomorrow, the day after, or next week." Lol!

But then again, someday I might actually get around to doing it, and then we're off to the races! :)

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