Stop Calling for A Military Intervention in Venezuela


The situation in Venezuela has considerably worsened since the beginning of the year as the economic crisis hit harder. Despite all these Maduro has focused on straightening his seat to power by making constant allegations of plots to remove him, thus holding a firmer grip over the affairs of the nation.

As the situation bites harder, even those in Venezuela who were initially opposed to the idea of a military intervention by the US have began to accept calls for such an intervention as quickly as possible. Leading the calls on the home front is none other than Senator Rubio who appears seemingly fed up with the worsening humanitarian crisis. There were even reports of secret meetings between US officials with alleged ‘coup plotters’ reported by the mainstream media at the weekend.

It is quite easy to simply give in to the need once again to be ‘big brother’ or the World Police in this situation and listen to calls for another intervention, but as a nation obviously overstretched by participating in needless Wars, the US once again should take heed and listen to the naysayers by seeking alternative solutions to the crisis.

Venezuela is not a small nation that can simply be bullied or conquered easily into submission. It is twice the size of Iraq and with a sizeable population of 30+ Million to ensure that any intervention that involves direct conflict will definitely be a long, bloody and expensive one (in lives and material cost).

What can be done in the situation is to involve other nations in finding diplomatic solutions to the crisis. From their closest allies to border nations feeling the Migration wave, a united front from affected and interested nations put forward and accompanied by a people led (peaceful) revolution will do more for the Country towards ensuring lasting peace than any direct military intervention will do at the moment.

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