Until you discover yourself, you cannot be yourself.


Self discovery is one of the most difficult discovery in life, because usually, nobody would do it for you. Though, we need help from people at time, but only you know what you can do better, you know what you can do with little or now sweat.

Our life depends largely on who we are, until you know who you are, you can't know what you can do, and until you do what you can do, you will keep on doing what others are doing which can only result in frustration, no wonder we have many frustrated people all around us.

You might be doing something that's not natural to you and still be successful at it, but you can never enjoy it as those who were designed to do it.

Their is always something you can do better than the rest of us, until you discover it and pursue it, you will never stop been a mere copy of others who are called into what you are trying to do.

Human are wired in such a way that we catch up with new things easily especially when we have interest in them, as good as this attribute is, it is also one of the misleading factors why many don't know what they can do better.

For instance, I have a friend who can sing, dance and play up to three musical instruments, but music is his natural talent, he trained himself for others. He can make music out of anything, that's how talented he is.

But, due to financial stress, he don't have enough money to promote his music, he's now playing instruments for other musicians around the town. It's not that what he's doing is bad, but I know the stress he faced to push himself to the level he his when it comes to the using of instruments and dancing, he released more than everyone in the group to be at their level. Things would have been different, if he has the money and stay with his gift, other skills he has gotten would just be a compliment to his natural gift and he wouldn't have stress himself this much.

Our own story might not be like his, but we all have different reasons why we are considering doing other things apart from what we want to do.

Stop been a copy or a follower, start been yourself by discovering yourself.

It is never too late, you can start now, go for what gives you happiness and fulfilment over that which you are struggling to be. You can't be someone else and still enjoy the beauty and liberty of originality.

Thanks for reading through

I am @emmakkayluv and I love you all u

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