Well ok, I have Misophonia

Before finding out that what I have is a disorder, I thought I was just being weird AF! Fortunately(!), I found out that it is a condition that some other people also have and it is described literally as "hatred of sound".

It has nothing to do with music, people talking or birds singing. There are some specific sounds (not the loud ones) that can drive me crazy! For example the sound of eating, chewing, sipping, slurping, tooth sucking, wet mouth sounds and muffled talking (I think I mentioned enough to make myself clear). Loud eaters are my worst enemy though. The only one I can tolerate eating next to me is my dog -in fact I enjoy listening to that sound. Doc am I acting paranoid here?

The sounds above can make me lose my mind. I cannot cope by blocking them out in any way. Once I start hearing them chaos comes. I become nervous, I lose my temper, control and my mind. I feel a panic attack running towards me and then I just leave the "noisy" area to calm down.

Friends keep telling me "c'mon just don't focus there", "try to relax", "don't be such a bitch Im just eating" and all these advices believe me, DON'T help when I am about to stab you with your fork.

I know its my "fault" and nobody else's but I have that disorder since I was a little kid. My grandma also had the same, so genes are being unbeatable here. And don't worry, I have never done any harm!

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