New Year's Eve with OCDs


In New Year's Eve -especially during the last minutes of the year- the perfect circumstances exist for people to unfold their OCDs. It is believed that anything you do the first day of the year, you will be doing it for the rest 364 days of it -creepy and unreasonable. The mood you have that day, will accompany you for a whole year -yeah ok. The way you welcome it and your vibes at this specific moment are very important for the year that will follow. All of the above as you can imagine can drive the ones with OCDs nuts. Besides the fact that I also belong to that group of people, I always find it very funny to see what others do in order to welcome the best way possible the new year.

So in this post I have gathered the top 3 of New Year's Eve OCDs I've seen through years -or have done myself...

The Main/ Master Switch

Some people just turn off the lights and when the new year comes they turn them on again. A beloved one runs to the main switch, turns it off -which means no lights, no TV, just some people gathered around a table in total darkness counting down- and in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 boom the main switch goes back on and everyone celebrates. If it would be possible she would definitely plunge into darkness the whole country for better luck.

The Key Route

This one is really crazy. A friend's cousin has a serious ritual for this special day. Ten minutes before midnight she gets out of her house -leaving the guests, the dog, the party, everyone behind- holding a pomegranate and walks the square around her house. She is always back at 23.55 standing in front of her door and when the new year comes she walks in the house with her right foot first and smashes the pomegranate at the entrance. Funny or scary? I cannot decide...

Stand Up Please

A weird lady -I won't tell you who but maybe you can guess- prefers changing the year in her house as she enjoys being the hostess. In addition the hostess has an advantage. It is easier to be heard. Thus, she can show her guests the "proper" way of welcoming the new year. At 23.58 she can kindly ask everybody with a wide -almost crazy and demanding- smile on her face to stand up, because the new year has to find us standing. In her twisted mind sitting is equated to boredom, lack of excitement and this is definitely not the way to say hello to the new year! She is not that crazy is she?

If you have any weird ritual on your own for that special day, I'll be more than happy to read about it... :)

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