The composer Richard Wagner

Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you had a day that brought some positive experiences into your life! In this article, I would like to introduce you to an important personality and hope you will be able to expand your knowledge a little.


Here you can see some works of art that are supposed to present the German composer Richard Wagner (1813 - 1883) and in order to be able to offer you a better picture of him, I have used artificial intelligence for the creation. Richard was born in Leipzig and this time was characterized by a lot of suffering and it was the time after the war and there were often famines in the population and Richard and his family were also affected and a few months after his birth his father died and shortly afterwards his sister and Richard almost had to pay with his life at that time. He spent his childhood in Dresden where he developed an interest in art at an early age and he was then taught by the composer Christian Gottlieb Mueller (1800 - 1863), who taught him a lot already during his school days he already wrote his first works and a importan role model for the young Richard was Beethoven at the time. With the beginning of adulthood, he decided to study music and he decided to go to his hometown of Leipzig where he was especially inspired through Christian Theodor Weinlig (1780 - 1842) and Weinling became a great role model of Richard and even decided to teach and promote him without a fee. In the coming years he traveled a lot and met his wife Minna Planer, which he decided to marry a few years later and he received the offer to work in a theatre group there and there he was very much appreciated for his revolutionary ideas and introduced numerous innovations. After this group was dissolved, there were some problems in his life and he decided together with his wife to flee first to London and then Paris and there he completed his first great works although his time there was not easy and he was excluded from the locals there and his art was not much appreciated. In 1842, his first great opera was played in Dresden which ensured that he should have more luck in his life and some were quickly enthusiastic and he received more and more offers and a year later he accepted a job in Dresden and he became particularly known there for his work The Flying Dutchman, which he already completed in Paris. In the coming years, his reputation as an artist increased and he was more and more appreciated and found growth in numerous circles that supported his work, but his luck should not last for a long time and he was forced to leave his Dresden after it was conquered by the Prussian troops and he decided to flee to Switzerland at that time.


It can be said that Wagner was often an oppressed artist and he had a lot of bad luck in his life and a few years later he could return to Germany and he went to the city of Vienna at that time to perform one of his great works but it did not happen that he could bring his work to the public and it came to be strongly attacked there and drove him into insolvent and he had to flee from Vienna at the time. One worth believing in him at the time and became his greatest admirer was the Bavarian King Ludwig II (1845 - 1886) from the house of Wittelsbach and he was so enthusiastic about Wagner's works and decided to promote him, but his happiness was not of long joy and also in Bavaria it came to the fact that he was strongly oppressed again and not all were impressed by his works and again he had to leave the country and went to Switzerland. In Switzerland, he continued to pursue his passion and composed numerous works and he worked there in particular on his work The Ring of the Nibelung. Some time later his wife also died and later he met Cosima von Bülow (1837 - 1930) whom he was to marry in 1870 and in 1874 he made a big breakthrough with his work The Ring of the Nibelung and he organized festivals to which numerous well-known personalities came. His last known work Parsifal he created in 1882 and he became very ill at that time and traveled with his family to Venice where he later died and to this day his works are great masterpieces and he was often considered an extremely controversial artist during his life of which not everyone was convinced and with his special style he probably shapes numerous artists to this day.


Thank you very much for taking the time to read through my post and I hope you like it and can learn something new about this important topic!

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