Big Projects - Chibera continues to grow and develop - steem-committed MMORPG is a path to millions of tech-savvy users

Upon this blockchain we will build our empire!

One of the most exciting projects around bringing millions of users into the Steem economy, in my opinion, is Chibera. Specifically bringing online gamers, a group that is already relatively tech-savvy and accustomed to such things as building online communities and integrating software add ons into their user experience.

While the experiments with steem so far have brought in developers and bloggers, as we turn to the future and look to connect different groups into the power of our blockchain, I believe that gamers as a group are well positioned to see the potential in steem.

Get mounted!.jpg

That is why I have donated to the kickstarter campaign that is designed to take this game through alpha development and testing and all the way to beta launch. What we need right now is to develop a committed group of backers and gamers to play (and play test, also known as bug testing). The interesting part of the commitment is this: I will commit to $100 dollars (which gets me an out-sized $250 reward right now) and I will also commit trying to see if it is possible to earn $100 dollars with the game, which should be a fun experiment either way!

The real benefits of getting through development is, ipso facto, the actual release of the product. If you look at current active user stats for steem, and then think about a group of thousands (potentially hundreds of thousands or even millions if you look at hyper popular competitors like World of Warcraft) playing in a steem powered universe, you can image potential figures for future demand and make your own decisions :)

I'm in!

How will I attempt to earn those $100 dollars? Through steem-powered Chibera forum posts and written articles such as this one. Upon full release of Chibera, I am also looking forward to creating video content about the game. I am looking into the Chiberan Level 7 - $1000 total dollars in contribution to be able to make videos in the early access phase. I will have to keep accumulating!

the level I really want.jpg

These days the steemit platform might seem a little strange, and I find some people talking about a blogging platform that was. Most of the prominent users that I follow are focused on groupings and subgroupings, empowerment and applications -

applying the power of steem through applications in empowering ways for individuals and groups

I think that 'next-level thinking' - doing a meta analysis of the steem ecosystem - is what is important to be able to understand what is happening with steem right now. It may seem like everybody is running in different directions and maybe don't see or hear other people. That's because it is very true in many cases. A good steem powered friend of mine said -

to me, steem is a platform for deployment

Let's make our dreams - get involved in one or more projects on steem!

Not a gamer? Check out incentivized parenting with Spunkee Monkee!

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