Whatever Has Been Taken From Your Life, God Will Change Something Better

Whatever Has Been Taken From Your Life, God Will Change Something Better

When God inflicts loss, it is impossible for us not to feel sad even if only for a moment. But no matter how sad we are about the loss that we experience, we should never be disappointed in God.

So for those of you who have not yet been able to calm down the loss that happened, be sincere! because whatever has been taken from your life, God will replace it with something better.

Allah is the best planner, so just surrender to Allah for all things that come upon you

You do not need to continue to regret what God has decided, because God is the best planner, so just leave it to God for everything that befalls you.

Don't worry about anything, just be willing what God has decided, even though it's very unpleasant. Remember, when God takes something from you, it means that God has prepared something new for you.

Losses Don't Make You Miss the Direction Goals, You Must Be Able To Keep Hoping To God

Something that is indeed not good according to God will surely give God a way to go, even though you yourself don't like the way.

But believe me, everything that initially hurts will eventually find its way to change with new happiness.

Don't be sad, believe after this there will be extraordinary goodness for you

Therefore, do not be sad, do not just look at the occurrence of loss is bad, believe me after this there will be extraordinary good for you.

God is impossible to keep making you trapped in sadness, because behind it all His beautiful plan has been saved.

God is Good in Replacing the Lost with the New, So Resign to Him

You must always remember, Allah is good at replacing the lost with the new, then pasrhalah to God without hesitation and but.

Regarding the loss that you still cannot fully receive, then you must be able to learn to accept it in a roomy manner. You must be sure that behind this unpleasant kisha there will be a happy story from Him.

No Need to Worry, Just Wait for the Joyous News from Allah by Continuously Trying to Be Sincere

You don't need to worry, really the loss you experience is only an intermediary that better fortune will come to you.

Losing it is only a way for you to get a new favor, then just wait for the good news from God by continuing to try sincerely.

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