The Truth Revealed


I, Samantha, am sharing a post by Lydia, previous head admin of Dirty South Justice. Accusations have come to light by Chad Gredig, in which he posted conversations but left out key screenshots, screenshots that were HIGHLY edited by the way, but because I have more respect, I will, for now, leave out the name of said snake. Below is the post made by Lydia. We will not tolerate being harassed by Chad, and I, personally, will not tolerate his lies against Lydia. We will not be involved in any drama concerning this topic, this is simply to clear, above all, her name.

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While there is more that could be said, this is it. Lydia brought me on to DSJ last summer. Along side her, we busted ass for DSJ and made it what it was. Her more than myself. Lydia was the brains and all behind the scenes, running it day and night. This is a sad attempt by Mr. Gredig to stay relevant, at the expense of someone else. This is "the face" of DSJ and what one will do to stay "popular". Facebook is full of liars, fakes, and clout chasers. He has now joined those ranks.

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