The Post Below

I want to make it clear, the post below, the video that I resteemed, the point that I want you all to watch, skip 8 minutes ahead and start from there. I don't want any debates on the gender neutral stuff, that isn't why it's being shared.

The point I want to make is that NO CHILD has any place being in a gay strip club, DANCING FOR MONEY! Grown ass men are throwing money, putting it in his underwear. That is child abuse if I ever saw it.

Then there's the part about twitter accounts, several, that support pedophilia. Look out for you kids and the hashtags that they mention are being used. #map and #nomap. Map means "minor attracted person" and nomap means "non offending minor attracted person". Meaning, they are attracted to children but "will not act on it". Keep your kids close, watch them on social media, and be aware of these hashtags.

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