Steem is an idea who's time has came / Sickness / delegating Steem

Yoyoyo everyone. I have been processing all of this drama here, dealing with a cold. Just doing lots of inward searching trying to decide what to do with my coins. I spread them all out too much and I would like to consolidate back into some core positions.

Even with all this debate and drama around here lately, I have decided to send some Steem over to power up more. This will be one of my core positions. Regardless of what Ned does or how much I believe in Dan's ability to create a decent competitor. I keep hearing a quote in the back of my head, Ron Paul is saying it when I hear it. it was originally from Victor Hugo however and he said No force can resist an idea whose time has come. This applies to Bitcoin, crypto, and blockchain technology in general. It applies to Steem.


The owner of this website might own a large portion of the entire pool, there may not be the most fair distribution with the pre-mining and the whales we have here always at war. The others just taking everything they can, spending their power self voting, or upvoting shit posts that fill the trending pages. Where we see the same authors over and over. All of this sucks, sure. You only need to look a different direction to see that this place will succeed regardless of the professionalism of the CEO, regardless of the unevenness of the distribution, or the 'reward pool rape' that goes on.

This community is great, it is powerful. It dwarfs all the negatives. Monetizing memes on dmania or through decentmemes is powerful, its hard even for me to understand how powerful memes are, they are the majority of posts on the internet anymore. They cannot be denied. You have Dlive and Dtube on boarding all the good video producers that have been demonetized by Youtube. ZAPPL getting ready to take on Twitter, since just the other day they recieved 500,000 Steem delegation to help move things forward. Steepshot, Esteem,, and chainbb. Then you have all the great community resources (large amounts of websites built around the Steem ecosystem) and the live chats on and Discord. All this is there right now, usable today. Its Been a busy year + for Steem and its community. Look how much has been accomplished though. Its amazing. Thank all of the witnesses and the community members who have built all these great things. This is an idea who's time has come. Ned cannot stop it with his mistakes, Dan cannot stop it with competition. It is rolling to fast already. That's how I feel anyways.


After spending all this time thinking I was better than everyone else this winter. I got sick just like the rest of them. My Stepdad was in the hospital with some kind of crazy fever. Its been a scary year around here as far as sickness goes. I think I just have a cold though, so I will survive. Just trying to take it easy. Attempting to let my voting power recover while I just rest these bad feelings away.

I spent quite a few days looking at MinnowBooster, debating selling out, and delegating some of my Steem Power for easy profits. I would make much more money there, I don't post enough, and don't upvote myself enough to make anywhere near what MinnowBooster would pay me for delegating out Steem Power.

The conclusion I came to was that it's not about the money, I can't let it be. I have been a human curator since I arrived. I will remain a human curator until I am gone. I see that selling delegation will happen, I get it, and I get why people do it. I am not talking negatively about anyone who is delegating or buying delegation through MinnowBooster. It's not about the upvote bots, I could start my own baby upvote bot and make more than I do from posting and manually curating. I could be just another upvote bot. I have stopped using upvote bots, given up in that regard. I don't like the way it makes me feel. I get why people use them, and I get why people run them. I am also not talking negatively to anyone that interacts with an upvote bot. I will not ignore you if you use one, or if you run one. I get it. Once in a while, when I want to have a discussion.. I will pay an upvote bot to get the views and the conversation that a large upvote can provide.

So, no delegating out power for Steem, no running an upvote bot for me. I still want to delegate some SP out to worthy causes. What do you guys think are the worthy causes to delegate Steem Power out too. I don't have a whole lot, and I would like it to have the most impact. So I was thinking I would delegate it out to people who are newer to the platform, to help them get started. I want to help people who are trying, and to encourage them to power up themselves. I am open to suggestions though..

Gif from here

I will be looking around and deciding the best way to do this, but some input from my good friends here would help!?

Woot woot,


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