Russia looking forward to another kind of reply


Bimāna yakhana maskōra ākāśēra kāchākāchi, pā'ilaṭa ērika ganajālabhēsa jāniẏē dilēna tāpamātrā 10-11 ḍigri sēlasiẏāsa. Jyākēṭaṭā gāẏē cāpiẏē nilāma. Dōmōdēdōbhō bimānabandarē nēmē anubhūtiṭā ēkaṭu bēśi'i śītārta manē halō. Tāpamātrā yā'i thāka, prabala hā'ōẏāra dāpaṭa āmādēra bāṅāli raktēra pakṣē sēṭikē ēkaṭu asahanīẏa karē tōlē baiki.

Sthānīẏa samaẏa śukrabāra hā'ōẏāra saṅgē śuru halō br̥ṣṭi. Paricaẏapatra jōgāṛa karē ayākrēḍiṭēśana sēnṭāra thēkē bērōnōra saṅgē saṅgē'i br̥ṣṭira āliṅgana. Ēmana'i yē ghaṇṭākhānēka āṭakē thākatē halō lujhaniki sṭēḍiẏāmēra ulṭō dikēra ēkaṭā kaphiśapē. Maskōra lōkajana balābali karachē ṭhānḍāṭā haṭhāṯi ēkaṭu asbābhābika ṭhēkachē. Ē'i samaẏē tāpamātrā 20-22-ēra madhyē ghōrāphērā karē. Yākē balē ārāmadāẏaka ābahā'ōẏā. Tādēra mukhē āśāra bāṇī, ēmana ṭhānḍāra prakōpa bēśi dina thākabē nā. Nā thākalē'i bhālō. Saphala ō sundara biśbakāpēra jan'ya bhālō ābahā'ōẏāṭā'ō jaruri.

Kintu ēkaṭā jinisa ēkhānē bhālō ṭhēkachē nā. Ēkhānē'ō bhāṣā ēkaṭā dūratba tairi karabē. Cāra bachara āgē brājila biśbakāpē yēmana anēka sāmbādikakē chabi ēm̐kē, sarbajanīna iśārā bhāṣā byabahāra karē'ō bhāṣāra dūratba dūra karā yāẏani, tā haẏatō habē nā. Tabē bhōgānti ēkaṭu habē'i. Inrējiṭā ruśadēra kāchē ēkhanō anēka dūrēra bhāṣā. Balā hacchē rāśiẏāra natuna prajanma inrēji śikhachē, tārā bēśa bhālō'i inrēji balatē pārē. Bāstabē tā manē halō nā. Bām̐dhā chakēra bā'irē ērā yētē pārē nā. Ēkaṭu biśada hatē cā'ilē'i khē'i hāriẏē phēlē. Biśbakāpa śuru halē hājāra-hājāra sbēcchāsēbakēra madhyē inrējitē dakṣa anēkakē'i haẏatō khum̐jē pā'ōẏā yābē—ē'i āśātē'i dina gunachi.
আরও দেখুন
When the aircraft was near the sky in Moscow, pilot Eric Gonzalves told the temperature at 10-11 degrees Celsius. We put on the jacket. The feeling of feeling down at Damedovova airport was a little too cold. Whatever the temperature, strong winds make it a little intolerable for our Bengali blood.

The rain started with local time Friday morning. With the introduction of credentials, leave the accreditation center immediately after the rain hug. In such an hour, there was a coffee in the opposite side of the Luzhoni stadium. The people of Moscow have said that the cold suddenly became a little unusual. At this time the temperature varies between 20-22. Whom the comfortable weather is called. The hope of their mouth will not be such a cold day. If not, good. Good weather is also important for the successful and beautiful World Cup.

But one thing does not stop here. Here also the language will make a distance. Four years ago, in Brazil World Cup, many journalists used to make pictures, using the universal pointing language, the distance could not be overcome. But there will be a little bit of suffering. English is still far away from the Russians to Russians. It is said that the new generation of Russians is learning English, they can speak English very well. It did not seem to be in reality. They can not go out of the stack. If you want to be a bit more detailed then lose the hole. If the World Cup begins, thousands of skilled volunteers can be found in English-many people who are likely to be found.

However, the problem is the taxi service. On Friday morning, one of the most popular taxi services Yandex. Addressed to a taxi via mobile app. Nomuskykskaya in the North, near the house number 24, the taxi driver did not find the road. Talking to him on the phone is a couple of times What is not understood in the language of the storm is not understood in Russian. He was directed by sending SMS. One does not understand English in color, can not write Not necessarily cancel booking Finally, to go to Metro Rail

On the way back there, with the Moscow Public Transport Authority's Governor Dmitry Prinnen The gentleman was talking to local media. Mauka was informed that the matter of communication outrage with the taxiwalkers He promised to take action soon. But like the World Cup, can the provision of arrangement of English turbans be given in the face of taxi drivers? As many Bangladeshi students, who had come to study in Moscow, should have said that the preferred taxi drivers have made short courses in English.![73631aa6c041c36b2b2ab41ed05864ac-5b1ae5a07f8fc.jpg]


However, the problem is the taxi service. On Friday morning, one of the most popular taxi services Yandex. Addressed to a taxi via mobile app. Nomuskykskaya in the North, near the house number 24, the taxi driver did not find the road. Talking to him on the phone is a couple of times What is not understood in the language of the storm is not understood in Russian. He was directed by sending SMS. One does not understand English in color, can not write Not necessarily cancel booking Finally, to go to Metro Rail

On the way back there, with the Moscow Public Transport Authority's Governor Dmitry Prinnen The gentleman was talking to local media. Mauka was informed that the matter of communication outrage with the taxiwalkers He promised to take action soon. But like the World Cup, can the provision of arrangement of English turbans be given in the face of taxi drivers? As many Bangladeshi students, who had come to study in Moscow, should have said that the preferred taxi drivers have made short courses in English.

Luzhoni's Stadium. Photo: BBC's Sultanulhounić Stadium. Photo: The BBC's courtesy Prime Minister and his enormous army are not looking for a short walk. Their plans are very big. The United States and its closest allies have been propagating so much for the Russian World Cup, the local organizer of the World Cup urged them to respond.

Each World Cup comes and the local organizing agency will say that this is a successful and beautiful World Cup. The competition started from the 1986 Mexico World Cup. It may be recalled that the only World Cup held in Asia-2002 Korea-Japan The western world's nostrils were seen almost everywhere in the service. Korea-Japan has done a great injustice to the World Cup jointly organized by the vote. After the answer, the Korea-Japan World Cup created a milestone in the history of football.

Russia also wants to showcase the United States-controlled western world by organizing the World Cup for the first time. This is Russia Russia of Putin, Russia wants to raise its head again by cutting down the depression in Russia.

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