Ambitious and Dumb

Today I am going to tell a short story about me being ambitious and dumb. I am really not good at writing but I’ll try.

It was the middle of last year, 2017, that I suddenly wanted to buy a dslr camera because I read somewhere (pretty much everywhere) that you can earn money by just taking photos and selling them online. I was completely blinded by the possible amount of money that you can earn per photo not knowing how hard it is to actually sell a goddamn photo. I was extremely ambitious and dumb. Yeah, it was a very silly reason but you can’t blame me. I was broke that time. Well I’m still broke until now. But hey money can make you blind and irrational. I badly needed money during that time so I thought buying a camera was an investment (well yes if you really like photography and knows how to market), earning by taking photos and selling them was a good idea, but NO! I was very delusional and irrational at the same time. Can’t help myself.

There I was, in a camera shop in a busy mall in a city, buying Sony A6000, not really a DSLR, using the credit card of my friend and I am paying him the monthly installment. A week after I got my first camera I realized the fact that earning money through photography is not instant (Also given the fact that I am a newbie). It is a very long process and time consuming. You need to take lots of photos, get a lot of attention/viewers/followers before you can sell one or somebody will hire you. You also need to take a lot of the negative and positive comments from strangers about your work before you can become successful. There is also a big possibility that you may not earn from it at all. The competition out there is tough.

Right now I have accepted those facts but I am not giving up. So I am taking my time in my own pace while improving my skills in photography.

I know I’m too ambitious… and dumb… but you can never really tell what might happen next in the future. Aim for your dreams but don’t worry if you can’t achieve them, just accept what kind of shits life gives to you and learn from them.

Just be tough.

Below are some of the first photos I took during my first photowalk. Those photos are not edited so I forgive me If they don't look appealing to your tasting.

It was my first time to go out with my camera and take some photos. It was taken in Quezon City Memorial Park (October 23, 2017). This was one of my favorite shot that day I hope you like it too.

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