Run baby run!

No I don't mean the girl in the picture. I'm talking about myself. Once again, at my present situation, I'm eating way too much compare to my body daily consumption. This happening due to my itchy mouth after I've stopped smoking. For the sport I'm doing, not much about speed anymore since I'm too fat to run. Did about 12km for 2 hours

It wasn't this bad previously as I stopped smoking during the movement control lockdown. When I don't need to go out, there's nothing much at home, I couldn't eat more than what I don't have. However, it's different now because I can eat everything I want 🙄 Even if I don't want to eat, if smell cigarettes, I will have to find something to eat. Still wondering how long will this be continue before everything back to "normal". I'm not saying about the lockdown anymore, I'm talking about myself.

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