Are you being selfish? Or SELFISH?!

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The first thing people think about when they hear “selfish” is not exactly what I’m talking about here.

I’m going to keep this short and sweet...

It’s not necessarily bad to be somewhat selfish…The selfishness i’m talking about depends on you being true to YOURSELF with what aligns to your “values”.

If your values are making an impact in the world or if your values are changing the lives of people or if your values are…

Whatever your values are… Determines whether or not I’m going to call you selfish.

What I wanted to tell you guys is..

That if you have knowledge you have learned.. (and your values are transforming the world or making an impact in the world supposedly)…

If you have knowledge that other people do not have and you do not share it to the best of your abilities with the world..(aka keep it to yourself)

I’m going to call you out and say that you my friends are selfish.

The selfishness that does not align with who you say you really are.

Meaning that isn’t an authentic way of living life and when you live like that you can never, ever, EVER be truly FULFILLED!

You may obtain “success”, the car, the money, the watch, but at the end of the day what everybody is looking for is that FEELING.


FULFILLMENT is the key to happiness.

Remember if you have knowledge/tools/tricks… and you’re not sharing it with the world, but your values are supposedly making a difference… then you my friends are selfish and you have to realize that if you want to be fulfilled, if you want to have this thing called Integrity with who you say you are….

You have to learn to keep it real with yourself and you always check to see if you are in Integrity with what you SAY you believe in.

Every bit of information that I’ve learned that I feel would help people, I do my best to give it right back.

I do this because my passion, my purpose, my vision, is to make an impact in the world in a positive way to transform people’s lives.

I want to be able to awaken to the power that they have within, we all have a gift!

You have a gift, I have a gift, everyone around us has a gift!

It’s a specific gift that only you have.

And with ONLY you having this gift and personal experience… and you not sharing it… you are sincerely taking away from the planet!

For example:

If I were to keep what I’ve learned these last 2 years to myself just because people didn’t join my business/team…

That would be SELFISH and out of alignment with what my values are.. WHO I AM..

Meaning it will be hard for me to be truly FULFILLED.

They say it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round… and that’s true in my opinion!

So if you’re unfulfilled.. it could be because you’re not showing up as your most authentic and powerful self. Take a step back and ask yourself…

Am I being selfish?

Again I’m not talking about the hey I’m selfish because I know that I want to have a big house, knowing that I want to have my own book, etc… that’s okay! That’s NOT what I’m talking about.

What I’m talking about is the selfishness that people have that does not align with who they say that they are.

When you say that you want to be something and you’re not that… your life cannot be truly authentic and if you’re not being authentic are you even really living?

Selfishness may bring you “success”.

But it will never leave you FULFILLED.

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