3 Core Steps To Balancing Family And Business

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Have you ever wondered how people balance family and business life?

Sometimes it can get hairy in the business world if you don’t know understand these 3 simple tips..

Believe it or not you can work so much that you forget to be present even while you are spending time with family..I wanted to help you with that.

3 tips to balancing “Business and Family Life” :

Tip #1 Be very upfront and have open communication often with those you love.

Let your family know what to expect.. What exactly you’ll be doing the next 30 days, 90, year, 2 years..

I sat down with my wife and let her know what i was going to be doing and why…

A lot for my own personal fulfillment/problems at times..but also for our family.

I had a lot going on in my life when I started my business.

Let them know “i might not be able to see many movies this year, or go out to dinner, or parties..

But this sacrifice is going to be worth it, i have to do this..”

And somehow my wife completely understood and has supported me fully since.

If you say you’re going to do this, make SURE you actually put in the work..

Because if you don’t, that is what will cause the first breakdown in communication…

Your significant other will think you should have at least some result/progress from working all day…If nothing new has happened in your business they will be confused.

Being upfront and keeping communication clear always is the best first tip i can give you.

Tip #2 If you’re going to do business..DO IT.

“Be mission Centric” as Ray Higdon would say..stay focused on the tasks you need to accomplish to hit those daily goals which then lead to weekly goals which lead to long term accomplishment.

If you know you need to make calls, or attend to something in regards to your business..GO DO IT.

Most people will decide to go clean their garage, organize their desk, mow the grass.. And completely avoid those things that they know they should be doing most.

Tip #3 Is probably one of the most important things i can share with you all today because i have heard MANY successful people all say this exact same thing.

When you’re with your family or your business.. JUST BE PRESENT.

Most when they are with their family they are still working in their mind and on their phones.. never fully present.

If you are with your family make sure you give them your 150% full attention. I will sometimes turn my phone off or just leave it on the charger so i can make sure to be fully present when i’m spending time with my son and wife.

The exact same concept goes for your business and ties into the other tips.. If you are going to be doing business.. BE PRESENT.

It can be easy to not be present so a lot of you will have to retrain/program your mind to actually focus on being in the room and what is actually going on around you..

What’s crazy about the internet these days and i’ll throw this in as a little bonus..

You can actually have automation like ad’s and funnels running 24/7..

So that way it is like you are working without even actually having to be there… Ding! Ding!!

That’s how i solved the “i need to always be putting out value/working problem”

Bottom line just make sure that you keep your communication clear.

You have LAZER BEAM FOCUS when you do work…

Last but not least be sure to be FULLY present when with your family.. Turn phones/laptops off.. (even if it is only for an hour or 2.. That quality time TRUMPS half present quantity of time)

Something else that i’ll throw in there as well is…

If you have really great communication with your significant other and you can be upfront, bold, honest, and 100% real with them.. you will hear that your partner has things that they love and are passionate about wanting to do as well..

So something major that my wife and i did was went on a walk with our son, took a notebook and a pen, and we wrote out each day of the week we wanted to work..

Monday-Saturday and then we mapped out each hour of the day..

From there we were able to verbally say what it was we needed to get done daily to feel fulfilled and accomplished.. And believe it or not we had way more time than we thought.

For example:

I wake up at 6:45am everyday and i’ll do all my posting, marketing, self development, meditation and blogs before 12 pm.. My wife and i will then have lunch 12-1…

Here is the kicker.. If we wouldn’t of had this conversation.. I would have gone back to work until dinner and then worked a few more hours until i passed out around 1 am…

NOW.. from 1-5 my wife is working on her dreams! Her blog, art designs, marketing, networking, etc.. then from 5-6 i’ll usually do a facebook live/post of some sort.. 6-7 we have dinner together as a family… 7-8 liz has more time to work on her dreams, 8-9 team training/coaching of some sort usually and then we pass out and go to bed!
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This may seem a little crazy to some of you but the point is that IT WORKS FOR US…

And the only way we know is because we COMMUNICATED IT..

So if you are having issues with your work/family life balance.. I would start there!

Hope you found some value from this!

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