Taking the LEED with Green Building

By now, you’ll certainly have noticed the beautiful architecture and state-of-the art facilities in the Garden City campus’ new Centers for Sport and Performing Arts. But you should also know that these two buildings have been awarded LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) status as part of Adelphi’s Go Green initiative.


What is LEED?
The LEED rating system is part of the US Green Building Council, a nonprofit organization of which Adelphi is a member. LEED standards are the nationally accepted benchmarks for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings. The ratings systems, each of which applies to an individual type of building project, are developed through open, consensus-based committees that comprise practitioners and experts in the construction industry. More than 1,500 buildings have received LEED certification since the program was introduced in 2000, and more than 11,000 are currently seeking the designation, according to the council. By mid-2009, LEED evaluations will also become available for subdivisions and even entire neighborhoods.

How did Adelphi earn its LEED standing?
LEED committees evaluate projects based on sustainable site development, water usage, energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, among other factors. Adelphi’s new buildings earned this honorable status for features like the geothermal heating and cooling system, water-efficient bathroom fixtures, and high efficiency lighting fixtures that incorporate daylight harvesting sensors to reduce energy use. During the building process itself, Adelphi also maintained a 90% rate of diverting waste from landfills, and used low emitting paints and sealants. The materials for the construction all come from within 500 miles of the campus, and the wood used is harvested from responsibly managed forests.

For years, Adelphi University has taken the lead in academics, athletics, and the arts. Now, as eco-minded students, we can really be proud that our University is taking the LEED.

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