They helped the flood victims

Bireuen Education and Culture Office, Helping Aceh Tamiang Flood Victims.

The Bireuen District Education and Culture Office distributed aid to victims of the flood disaster in Aceh Tamiang District, Aceh Province, the aid was released directly by Acting. Regent of Bireuen, Aulia Sofyan, PhD on the Regent's Meuligoe page, Saturday, 12/11/2022.

The Head of the Bireuen Education and Culture Office, Muhammad Al Muttaqin S.Pd, M.Pd, accompanied by a number of school principals, teachers and other elements said that the aid in one Colt Diesel truck contained 3.5 tons of rice, 6,000 eggs, 200 boxes of mineral water , 200 pairs of school uniforms and 10,000 notebooks plus 4,000 pens, 2,000 rulers and 4,000 pencils.

Muhammad Al Muttaqin S.Pd, M.Pd, added that this was a donation from employees, teachers, PAUD, SD, and SMP students in the Bireuen Education and Culture Office. Funds collected amounting to IDR 130,405,000 came from the Department of Education and Culture IDR 4,164,000, PAUD IDR 7,800,000, SD IDR 77,976,000, SMP IDR 40,465,000. The funds were spent on various types of goods.

We distribute all assistance to people who are entitled to receive it through the Aceh Tamiang Education and Culture Office, said Muhammad Al Muttaqin S.Pd, M.Pd.

Meanwhile Pj. Bireuen Regent Aulia Sofyan, PhD, during his release, said that he hoped that the assistance would ease the burden on residents affected by the floods. Apart from that, the Bireuen Regency Government is also seeking assistance from ASN and it will be delivered in the near future. We hope that the people of Aceh Tamiang will be patient in facing this ordeal.

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