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Cats are one of the most well-preserved pets, but unfortunately some caterers do not know what the facts about the cat state are.

If you are a cat lover, please read the unique facts about the cat below:

Cats have 30 vertebrae, that is 5 times more than humans
Cats have 230 bones, which is 24 times more than humans
The cat does not have a collarbone, allowing it to pass through the gap as wide as its head
The cat's body flexibility is amazing, its front legs can be rotated in all directions and half of its body can move in the opposite direction
Hearing cats is more sensitive than humans and dogs. Limit of cat hearing 65 khz, while humans 20 khz
Cats have the largest eyes compared to other mammals (in relation to the size of the body)
Cats can not see in total darkness, but the sharpness of their eyes at night is very good. Cat eyes have a light reflecting film called tapetum that can serve to strengthen the incoming light of the retina.
Cat sight of 185 degrees
Cats have a sense of smell of 20-80 million olfactory cells, while humans are only 5-20 million
Normal cat pulse between 110-170 pulses per minute (if you want to check the pulse do on the hamstrings in the joints that connect the legs with the body)
Cats breathe as much as 20-40 times per minute
The normal cat body temperature is 102 ° F or 38.8 ° C
The village cat can run at 31 miles per hour
Cats have a very sensitive nervous system.
Cats can jump to a height of 5 times his height.
Each cat has a very distinctive nose pad, so there will never be two cats that have the same nose prints
Cats respond to women's calls better than men, perhaps because women's suata has a higher peak
People who are allergic to cats are generally allergic to cat saliva
It has been scientifically proven that stroking cats is one way to lower our blood pressure.
The average age of cats is 15-16 years.
To determine the age equality of cats with the age of the person, start with 20 years as the age of the first year of the cat, then add 4 years of human life for each age of the cat year. For example: If your cat is 4 years old it means age equal to 20 years (for 1 year old) plus 3 x 4 years, which is equivalent to age 32 years in person.
Cats have excellent olfactory power. This is the reason why cats will not use dirty trash cans. And they also have good hearing.
Cats hate the smell of perfume. They also hate the smell of oranges and lemons.
Cats consider areas that have an ammonia smell as an area of ​​elimination. So, it is not recommended to use ammonia to clean up the cat's urine odor.
A cat knows the change in your mood, and sometimes it will affect your cat.


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