Preparing for the Inevitable

Happy New Years!

As I was taking Sasha out for a brisk, cold morning walk. I stumbled upon a fantastic realization.

Last year is finally done and over with. Trust me, I’m not saying that like I barely finished 2017 and I don’t want to live anymore. It means I can start to prepare and plan for this year. And for someone like me, that’s about as exciting as opening a new pack of pastel brush marker pens.


“Time stops for no one. . .”
Susan Samaroo

It’s a tragic truth we all are forced to learn at some point in our lives. Just because you had a horrific, satisfactory or excellent year doesn’t mean it will be the same next year. Only you are in control of how to perceive success.

Up until this year, It never occurred to me to pursue a new year’s resolution. I mean, lets be honest. A new year’s resolution for most people is a statement they barely give much thought or attention into. We usually wave it around and show it off to other people like we’ve found some new form of hope to cling onto for the majority of the year.

We tell ourselves we want to change, to accomplish a goal but is it

  • Attainable?
  • Realistic?
  • Specific?
    If its not all of these three then you should go back to the lab upstairs (also known as your brain.)

This year I want to focus on taking care of my mind and body. Towards the end of 2018 I’ll begin to shift my focus onto educational studies. Not only do I want to live a healthier lifestyle but I don’t want to stop reading, learning and writing. I would love to tell you more about that here but it would give away my blog ideas and this list is only for close friends and family.

sorry, no hard feelings

I’ve spent a decent amount of time thinking about where I want to see myself at the end of next year and its scary. Scary because I’m afraid of giving up halfway through or running into a bump. Thinking about relapsing into my bad habits gives me minor anxiety. Instead of being nervous about falling off the grid id like to turn this feeling into acceptance, confidence and reassurance.

We all need to accept that bad things will happen.

We all need to be confident in our ability to turn things around when they go south.

And we all need reassurance from friends and family that it’s okay to mess up along the way as long as you clean up.

The final quarter of last year has been nothing but an uphill, vast climb for me. You’ll hear much more from me this year and I will continue to put more effort into my writing. These last couple of blogs have been coming out rushed.

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