Just How Real Are You...Online?


In this blog, I would like to discuss online personas/how we present ourselves whilst on the interwebz. I've seen a lot of people present themselves on facebook much differently than they do offline. These are the "IRL" friends/ aquaintances. You may be wondering why I chose the image above as my header image. Well, that is art created by coloring book artist Hanna Karlzon, that I colored. To me she represents a free spirit who is genuine and at peace with herself - internally.


Back to the online personas, I am going to start with the "IRL" people whose names will be substituted with imaginary names to protect their identities.

Exhibit A. Fitness Queen
FQ in real life presents with very low self esteem, keeps the conversation focused on her, behaves in a secular manner, gives you backhanded compliments, or not so subtle criticism(s) that you didn't ask for (more of a reflection of her low self esteem, misery loves company type thing)

(Art by steff bomb colored by me)

FQ online/fb - boastful bikini pictures everywhere, checks in at the gym daily, posts pictures of "meal prep", reports "God" has helped her to be disciplined enough to have a nice body and eat right. Presents herself as a happy, giving, perfectlife type person.

What is the point of acting one way in real life and completely different online?? PATHETIC

Exhibit B. Hippie Wannabe Princess
HWP in real life - complains constantly, drinks excessively, smokes, eats the worst foods. Always has to "one up" your story when you're venting.

HWP online - talks about healthy living, how thankful she is for her family, the newest and best herbal trend out there, acts like a positive & lively person who wants to help others.

Makes no sense when you constantly one up your friends Liar....

Exhibit C) Humble Casanova
HC in real life - thinks he is God's best gift to women, flirts with all women. Humility comes in as he is always talking about being a single Dad and how much he loves and sacrifices for his little girl. Doesn't seem to have many hobbies, talks about wanting to help charities.

HC online - few pictures of himself and "his little girl", flies to different cities every weekend, stays in fancy hotels, arranges to be at red carpet events, dressed to the nines, constantly on the move. Seems like a wealthy, cool guy.

So, why are you also such a liar...?

Those were just the "IRL" people. I have a couple genuine online friends. But I know a lot who act one way when they are talking one on one and COMPLETELY different when they are "presenting" themselves.


I am an introverted people watcher and also an empath. The weed above (which i think is actually quite charming) is very intricate if you really look at it. It seems to prefer to stretch itself out over the cement rather than the mulch. Kinda reflects people and all their idiosyncrasies - both good and bad.

I have been told by both "IRL" people and online people that my vernacular online versus in person/skype/personal messages is the same. That's nice to hear. I don't have anything to hide. I'm not perfect. I got self esteem issues. I don't need to put you down or one up you to feel better about myself.

My point is,being genuine gets you the farthest in life, on all fronts. Most people will eventually catch onto your false pretenses. On STEEMIT, I am catching onto to some of that. There's also a lot of audacity here sometimes. We are all equals and bleed the same red blood. (Unless you're an alien from outerspace)

So, in conclusion, keep it real, be yourself, build people up rather than tear them down for your pleasure. Online snark is no fun and it is a GREAT way to lose friends

Thanks for reading folks. Hopefully my rambles made some sense. Have a great day /night and, as always, full STEEM ahead!


all photos my own

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