Don't you know that feeling when you're stressed?

I'm stressed, really stressed.

At this point, I should stretch; take time to do what I need to do to centre myself. Is this stress normal? What's that thing about seeing stress as a good thing?

Well, I did read once that one thing that separates you from a better & healthier you, is your perspective on stress.

Perhaps I can switch my perspective. Perhaps this is where things turn around.
Photo by me.

Do you know that surge of energy you feel where things feel possible again?

Where your inner voice goes, "Okay, let's do this" and you feel this powerful energy take over you; and all you can see is solutions, not problems; opportunities, not issues.

This energy which stems from backing yourself and believing that you can.

I've experienced this naturally by forcefully altering my thoughts; and I've experienced this synthetically through nootropics.

Your attitude towards stress determines..

Take a look at this quote from this post on redbooth.

“What begets more harm is trying to avoid or suppress stress. You’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, and your first thought is, ‘I need a drink’ or ‘I can’t handle this.’ Instead, we can view stress as a signal from the body and brain that we are actually rising to the challenge.”

That we are rising to the challenge..

It's interesting, viewing things as a challenge. I do it in many different environments.

From professional, where there's something that comes up and you have a small amount of time to do it. Or when you are given a job, but an unforeseen obstacle appears, making things more difficult.

To personal, a relevant example for me is when I'm attracted to someone but feel I'm not enough, I take it as a challenge to become more than I am. (This isn't always healthy and using sexual energy is actually a really complex topic I want to go into more.)
Photo by me.

Viewing things as a challenge has helped me immensely in the past, even since I was a young child. When your perspective flips and you see the opportunity to grow and do more than you have previously done; and you feel that naive smirk take over your face, or that deep breath as you focus inward.

"If I can do it now, I can do it at any time"

Right now, I'm in a very stressful situation. I've got my current job, which I'm supposed to be working right now. And my new one, which has many new duties.

It's all really scary and beneath the surface I'm really struggling and I'm almost desperate for some affection, it's pretty sad really (haha!).

However, what I must remember in this situation is that stress is merely an indication that I am in an environment where I can grow. I am being given the opportunity to become more than I am.

This stress is a positive thing. I will turn grow in spite of this stress and I will create value in spite of this stress. I will use what is around me and what is within me to create something new; and I trust that life will happen as it should.

Me with the office dog (new company)

Hey, you there, you reading...

To be completely honest with you, I don't really have much of an idea of what I'm writing about. I know that we're supposed to refine our thoughts and create unique content, but truthfully, I'm a mess. I've been working all day today, I posted that Steemit post before like 5 hours ago and I wanted to delete it straight away. I'm a mess.

I think this is largely because I haven't had any real fun lately, I've been a workaholic. Tonight I'm looking to have a night out and really enjoy myself with the Couchsurfer I'm hosting; at the very least, this will be a step away from my phone, my work and the pressure I'm putting on myself.

In saying all that, today wasn't such a bad day. I posted something for you, although I'm no where near happy with it. And I guess I'm posting this too (that's a total of like 1700 words in a day, to those who read it all, wow, thank you).

I also sent off a draft for a post titled "Why the Blockchain?" to the marketing team of the new company, so I'm glad I got that out, but even that I don't feel very pleased with.

Honestly, I guess I'm doing stuff, but I just don't feel very good about it all. It's quite strange, you know?

So I'm gonna go out tonight, have a dance, get moving and laugh; I'll see you all very soon - consistency is on it's way (and more dog pics if I take this new job).

If any of this connected with you, please comment, upvote or resteem. I appreciate all of you who read and support me in all of my overwhelm.

See you around!

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