When a musician becomes a musician


At what point do you get to call yourself a musician? I have heard many arguments around this one question. Some say, it's when you can earn a living from the music you create. Others have said it's only when you're recognized by a wider community who give you the title. Some even say it's only once you get your degree in music.

I say, BS, it's the day you decide it in your heart. You don't need anyone's permission except your own to call yourself a musician. You don't need to be at any 'level' of talent before you receive that title. It's something that happens in the heart and this can be at any point in your journey. It's when you decide.

I think alot of people may feel like they haven't been given the title of musician by others so they become stagnant, uninspired and doubtful in their journey. Sometimes they may give up on their music all together and this is a tragedy.

Also what is interesting is what musical success means to different people. For some, its the fame and fortune, for others, the ability earn a living from their craft. Sometimes, as musicians, we may find ourselves judging ourselves against what someone else calls success.

I think what is important is to determine what musical success looks like personally. Strip down all the BS of what the world says and get really deep in conviction about what a successful day as a musician looks like and go for it.

For some, this honesty may be a 360 record deal, with the private jets and pink champagne and if that's the honest conviction, great, go get it. Let no one convince you otherwise. For another, it may be teaching music to at a school, and if that's the honest conviction, great, go get it and let no one convince you otherwise.

People evolve, our dreams and aspirations change through our life. What success looks like to us today is not what success will look like to us in five years from now.

I think it's important that whatever we decide, we throw our whole self into that conviction to become the best version of ourself that we can be.

Thanks for reading,

Sincerely @builtinfire

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