Creating the Perfect ‘About Me’ Page for Your Blog

Writing an about me page is the hardest thing you will ever write as a blogger. For some reason writing about yourself is incredibly hard! But your readers are going to want to get to know you and your ‘About Me’ page is the perfect introduction.
Show Your Passion

You started your blog because you are passionate about your topic, and it’s your passiont that will bring readers back to your blog over and over again. When you start your ‘About Me’ page, start with a sentence describing your passion. Get excited about sharing your knowledge with your readers and they will get excited about reading it.
If you are a food blogger start with a mouth watering sentence that will make people ache for your food. If you blog about hiking, make people feel that sweet mountain air and the burn in their legs as they climb that next grade. Excitement is contagious, it grabs people and gets them interested in what you have to say. Make sure your passion and excitement for your topic grab your reader from the first sentence.

How Will It Help Your Reader

This is the biggest secret to a great ‘About Me’ page. It’s not really about you, it’s about them. Your readers want to know what’s in it for them. They want to know what you are going to teach them or how you are going to help them. Including phrases like “My goal is to help you…” or “Teaching people about (your passion)…” is a great way to show readers you aren’t just writing for yourself.
This section is also a great place to introduce your readers to your blog. Add links to relevant posts so they have someplace to go to after the about page. If you blog about getting out of debt, tell people how broke you were and direct them to the first steps you took to become debt free. If you blog about fashion, talk about your favorite outfit, tell your readers who it would be perfect for and include a link!

Show Your Personality

If you have quirks, show them! No one wants to read a dry, boring, blog. They want to read about real people doing real things. That’s what makes blogging so much fun! Even if you blog about funerals, people want to see a little personality and a little fun. (Funeral directors must have an interesting sense of humor!) If you have a crazy sock collection, tell them about it. If you love B rated (or worse) horror movies tell them about your Friday night movie marathons.
Everyone has some odd little thing about them that makes them who they are. For example, I have been forced to follow a gluten free diet. The only thing saving me right now is ice cream, cheese, and chocolate. Seriously folks, I eat ice cream for breakfast at least one day a week. It’s dairy right!
These odd little things make you human, not just some random person behind a screen. So don’t be afraid to tell people about your sock puppets, shine a lot on the weird, we all love weird.

Invite Interaction

Your readers want to feel like they are part of your world. Invite interaction with you by leaving your email, inviting them to participate in a challenge or asking them to say hello in the comments section. This gives readers a way to connect with you immediately. Now they can reach out to you without feeling like a crazy internet stalker.
Look at it this way. If you knew where someone lived, how nerve racking would it be to walk up and knock on the door? Would you feel different if the person invited you? Of course it would, heck you might even bring a casserole! Inviting your readers into your world will give you readers for life.
One other benefit of interacting with your readers is you get to know them. You learn what their pain points are and how you can help them. This can give you new topic ideas, opt-in ideas, and product ideas. If your readers say “wow I love this article about putting your baby to sleep” you can create a sleeping baby checklist. List all of the things you did that worked to get your baby to sleep. Create a printable in Canva and let your readers opt-in to your newsletter list to receive the check list.

Have Fun

Your ‘About Me’ page doesn’t have to be a painful experience. Have fun, show your passion and invite your readers in. Your readers will feel your excitement and coming clicking back to your site over and over again.

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