
Hi All,

Today is Sunday and I am in high spirits!!! Despite all the trials and tribulations at hand. My car is still out of commission due to being submerged because of the unprecedented rainfall that came to our neck of the woods. My honey is diligently trying to repair it. As we are on the same page as to not give up and quit, but instead we take what we have and try to fix it, sans insurance, sans help from FEMA. It's hard no doubt and I almost feel like I shouldn't complain when so many people lost so much more. However this is my story and I am going to write it. The reason I am in high spirits is because our neighbor has offered us the use of their car. Its a huge deal because my neighbor and I didn't quite see eye to eye in the beginning. When we first moved in we had to deal with dogs, other people's dogs until we got the fence up. Let's just say my neighbor didn't like my approach, I would chase the dogs of my property, most times with what could be considered as a weapon, allegedly . I only resorted to this because my "please control your dog or keep them on the leash" was unheard. At my breaking point I issued a response to them in the sense of control your dogs or else I would handle it in my own way dispatching them as I see fit. I had chickens and ducks that I was trying to protect, not to mention my daughter who had to walk to the bus stop in the morning. This was met with "if you harm our dogs I will shoot you." This was taken in by us with "Go get your guns and do it!!!" This didn't go down well and we were barraged with police being called on us. Now, we know our birth rights so police do not mean anything to us and this was demonstrated quite nicely in our dealings with them. Basically "get off our property" you have no authority over us. Once this was established the offending party stopped. We were cordial, but we didn't really speak. So when Harvey hit all of us in our little corner of paradise, we were all affected. This brought an opportunity to forget all that shit previously and focus on what really mattered, the well being of our neighbors. My honey and I decided to walk into town, to get school supplies and run a few errands that we needed. Low and behold our neighbors saw us and gave us a ride which shaved hours off what would have been a grueling journey. Luckily, we put aside that old shit and got to the root of human nature. After that was said and done they even offered us the use of their car in order for me to run errands and get back and forth to work. My reason for being in good spirits. We were both redeemed and we both put aside our differences in the wake of disaster. Human nature in its purest form was demonstrated and reciprocated. I share all of this to say second chances are really cool. Being neighborly is key to our existence and if you have problems with your neighbors try to squash them because you never know when you will need a helping hand or when you yourself is the hand that helps someone in need.

As always thank you for dropping by and reading.

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