I made it 2 days...

I made it 2 days without any animals products. Sigh.... This morning I woke up very dizzy with a headache. I made some tea and put coconut oil in it. That didn't help. So I boiled an egg and ate it. My headache went away within 2 minutes. Okay, so maybe I didn't plan my meals enough. I was trying to wing it. The first day I ate potatoes, avocados, fruits, tomatoes, the second day I made some lentil soup and added tomatoes and rice to it and ate on that pretty much all day, with fruits in between. Maybe my whole experiment should have started with trying to reduce animal products gradually and not just stop cold turkey. :( I haven't ate meat yet, but last night I made my husband a huge burger, so much beef and I sat there like a creep watching him eat it, he asked me to get him some water twice while I was still watching him feed his face, it didn't even register as I was dressing down his burger... smh, I have a long way to go.

Not all was gloomy, the 2 days I made it, my stomach did not hurt at all!!! So, I'll try and stick it out....

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