Cars and Karma.....


I've been working on other stories to submit here, one about my daughter and one about my LOVE. Granted I've been working on the daughter post way more than my Husband's, as I've written about him here and there within my blog. I left off with wanting to share pictures/stories of them and me since I'm very leery about posting pictures on the net. However, Hurricane Harvey has been in the way, in a bad/good sense way, and my posts have been centered around this event. It's at the fore front of my mind because we are still dealing with the aftermath of it all. I am aware that my family fared really well, when so many others didn't. My car was under water but the only thing that happened to our home is the insulation under our house didn't do so well as well as the connection to our septic. Thank goodness my husband took care of the septic thing when I was at work and I didn't have to deal with that shit, (pun intended :))

So, my car was out of commission and so I've had to get rides back and forth to work on days that the universe was in line with me. After that, I ended getting help from my neighbors in regards to using their car to get back and forth to work. Very cool of them considering our short, not so good history. The turning point came Tuesday. A lady who I work with offered to give me a ride to and from work one day. When I first met her about a month or 2 ago, (it's a new job, field for me) I thought that she was a really cool and calm lady!! Very sweet. She works as a chaplain. When we were in a meeting all together, she offered some words, to the tune of, "think about the things that make you happy or bring joy to your life, and when you have that thought in your mind, let it be, sit on it, let it remind you of all the things your are thankful about that person or situation, be in that moment." I looked around the meeting table and everyone was in engaged with her words and guidance, I was so impressed, but not really because when I met her I immediately felt that she was good and had the type of energy that wasn't stifling, but pure. The type of energy that made you feel secure about telling her anything. I thought, "I can get behind this type of Chaplain" which is huge for me. Simply, because when I think of chaplains I think of religion, churches, beliefs all of which I have a hard time digesting ( I was raised in a very religious household). However, this Woman was on point. When she was taking me to work she mentioned she had a car that was of no use to her and if we wanted we could have it. It too had been in a flood but it worked because she drove home after a previous flood, but it had been sitting for a year. We could have it if we wanted she said. Of course we wanted it because our car is still under construction. I let that sink in and I didn't force the issue. I waited a bit and then I texted her to see about the details of the car, I.e. how much she wanted for it. I didn't hear back from her immediately, I hadn't given up hope though, because this lady is amazing. So Tuesday, I wasn't able to use my neighbors car to get to work that day because they had stuff to do for a good part of the day. However, when they came back we took the opportunity to run errands. Low and behold as we are walking out of the tractor supply store and loading our bird feed into the car I hear "THIS MUST BE A GOD THING" This woman was here in the parking lot when we were coming out. She doesn't live in our town but she decided to shop there because she had passed the same store and didn't stop earlier, so she headed to the store in my town. Now the only reason I was there at that time was because my husband "corralled" me and did his whole "let me get her out of the store faster thing" We ended up taking her offer to follow her to her home to see about the car. We made it there and we jumped the car and it WORKED!!! She gave of the car as a gift outright!!! Could not have come a better time!!! Granted the car is in great condition, but I can't drive it. I never learned how to drive a "manual/5-speed" but we now have a means for transportation. So COOL!!! Blew my mind. The kindness it showed.

The karma part is I've given away my last 2 vehicles. My first car to a lady that was struggling and a neighbor kid who didn't have a car. I can't ignore this. I know what you put out in the universe comes back to you. It could be a coincident, but it could also be KARMA..... I've decided on the latter. I say this to speak on being a good human. Letting go of all the preconceived notions you harbor, all the beliefs you were instilled with or cultivated on your own, all the negative thoughts your mind builds up and expands on, all your fears, everything that is stopping you from living in the moment, remember what it feels like to be human, to help another human out when you can, despite and in spite of all the shit, be human, help when you can, it is very rewarding in my opinion and is the only thing that matters in this life. You never know what will transpire. It's always good to help out. Out of the pureness of your soul/life force, to lend a hand. You put that energy out in the universe and it gives it back a million fold. This experience is my proof of that. We received what we needed at the time we needed it.

As always, thank you for dropping by...


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