Weekly Check-up #4: Self-esteem


Welcome back to the Weekly Check-up. Really looking forward to a time that this becomes a weekly party where we celebrate together. A place where we show love and encourage others. Until that time comes, I shall keep bringing positive thoughts. This week I want to talk about self-esteem.


I want to talk about this because it’s one of the easiest things to destroy and also the hardest to repair. Some people are lucky to never have their self-esteem doubted. I am not one of those fortunate people. I am not sure which came first… the lack of self-esteem or mental illness. Either way, it doesn’t really matter because they kind of go hand in hand.
There are many ways that we can improve our own self-esteem. Most are bad and only a few are good. The bad ways are looking for the solution from someone or something. I have been in this situation many times of my life. What makes this a horrible solution is that it’s either not enough or never lasts. If you build your self-esteem from someone in your life and they pass away, what happens? You are back to square one and feeling worse than before. Putting your self-esteem into something is even worse because no matter how much of it you have, it will never be enough.


There’s a reason it’s called self-esteem. It’s because it’s not supposed to be dependent on what others think about you or what their feelings are towards you. How you see and feel about yourself is what truly determines your self-esteem. When you let others make that decision, you are giving up the control and power of your own life. Is it not time for you to take it all back?

Of course it is!!! So the next time you are in front of a mirror, I want you to take just 30 seconds to do the following:

Look yourself in the eyes and say “I love everything about you”. Keep saying it over and over until you believe it.

The reason is because you need to remind yourself of the truth. It’s important that you love every mistake, flaw, success, regret, failure, wrinkle, accomplishment, freckle, milestone, etc… It’s who you are and at this present moment you can’t change anything about it. Why not love you for you and continue working on the change you desire instead of constantly kicking yourself down. Now is the time for you to grab the power of your self-esteem and never let go. You are the one in charge of your life and happiness. Never let someone take it away from you ever again.

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