Mutual relations with the client, as the basis of success. CRM strategy

Previously, the company could become a market leader only by making efforts to develop and improve the quality of the goods, however, for the present time these factors will not be enough. The busy market, the big competition and the maximum satisfaction of even capricious consumers leads to the development of more and more new problems. With this development, new approaches to work arise, for example, customization. The enterprise not only studies the needs of the target market, but tries to personally identify the needs of each client, his individual preferences and offers the right product or service.

The CRM (Customer Relationships Management) strategy is a strategy that shifts the concentration of business efforts to bring order within the company towards customer service. The company is trying to get more information about its client and its needs and is already building on this data, is building an organizational strategy that deals with production, advertising, sales and service.

Although the CRM strategy officially emerged not so long ago, technically it existed always and was used from ancient times. For example, if you visit a certain cafe and always take lattes from them, in time you may be offered a drink based on it, which you have not tried yet, but based on the fact that you like latte, it is likely that you will be satisfied with this drink.

This strategy is used in ordinary life, ordinary people, who in no way are connected with business. For example, a person who buys flowers for his wife, in time can switch from roses to other flowers, for example peonies, knowing the tastes of a woman. That is, he takes into account his wife's preferences and chooses the best option for her.

CRM is widely used in digital marketing. All the activities that the consumer spends on their devices are monitored and based on this, you are given an advertisement that you will definitely like. For example, if you are interested in clothing from a particular store, then most likely in the banners on other sites you will get advertisements from this store. Or it can relate to a certain product.

There can be many examples, but you need to understand the importance of CRM in modern business development. As mentioned earlier, competition in the market is growing and this is the reason why more companies are paying attention to the CRM-strategy. The client is no longer perceived as a given, therefore there are more and more new ways of keeping it.

In addition, it is not always possible to play emotions. Openness and transparency of the world, access to information gives the freedom of choice that the client actively uses. But there is a plus for entrepreneurship, since the widespread introduction of information technology allows you to store, process and use information about each case of interaction with the client with relatively low costs.

In addition, many enterprises already have integrated information systems that automate all major business processes. In these systems, the most diverse information about customers is accumulated, which can and must be transferred between departments.

The goods are also more diverse and that is why it is important to attract the client to his creation, to become interested in his opinion about what particular features he wants to see in the product.

For today, the competition has already passed to the level of service, which requires completely different technologies and approaches. CRM takes into account all these factors. It does not give a definite answer, but on its basis it is possible to draw conclusions, taking into account the wishes of the client.

Why is CRM important for a modern enterprise? The rules of modern business say that it is more profitable for companies to keep a regular customer than to attract a new one. To attract new customers, they use more and resources, while with the retained client this stage has already been passed and more profitable incentives are used than at the first stages.

Some companies determine what is important to the new client and offer them exactly this service or service, regardless of whether it is profitable for them to do it or not. Only then, when establishing long-term relationships, companies offer services that they are given advantages.

The advantages of using CRM include the following:

  • On average, attracting a new customer costs the company from 5-7 times more expensive than the content of the existing one.
  • A satisfied customer will talk about the successful purchase of an average of 5 of his friends, and dissatisfied - at least 10.
  • Most of the customers "pay off" only after a year of working with them, so if the customer "left" before this time, then he incurred losses.
  • Increasing the percentage of customer retention by 5% increases the company's profit to 50%.
  • About 50% of existing clients of the company are unprofitable for ineffective interaction with them.
  • On average, the company contacts 4 times a year with an existing client and 6 times a year with a potential client.

So, CRM is one of the types of assessment of the client's behavior and his desires, which will become a help with the content and attraction of new clients. Although this strategy is based more on objective thinking and has no concrete conclusions, it helps quite well in building relationships with the client. For modern business, success depends on the created atmosphere in relations with customers.

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