Blog #1 - I admit my defeat

The blog

Turns out I liked this concept to have the blog first and a short-story after.
Everything I wrote two days ago was extremely tiring. I just couldn't sleep.
I started writing and I just had this endless surge of inspiration. Suddenly,
I was not tired at all until it came towards the end of the story. The thing
people tend to forget is what a huge performance writing can be. A good
writer knows that it requires their full dedication to write. They're never
going to become good writers unless they sacrifice their very souls to it.
I've recently said that the words writers use are their pets. They're very
much alive and they need your full attention. It can be gruesome to
ask your partner to shut up when you're working. Don't forget to care,
otherwise, you should stop writing. Have a shut-up-routine that both
can agree upon. At least I need to get away from all the distractions
when it comes to writing stories. For blogs, not so much.

I want to include my readers. If you'd like, give me a title
or a subject and I'll use one of those subjects in an upcoming
short-story. If I get a lot of suggestions, I'll either pick one
or combine a few and I'll let you all know which ones I'm using.

My goal is to let people pay attention to the content and the words.
Blogs should show people your true mentality, even if English is
not your native language. My native language is Swedish as some
of you may or may not know. Last time I told you about my bad
habits because my habits affect what words I'm using when writing
my blogs and stories. Today I've had five hours of sleep, yesterday,
zero hours of sleep. All the other habits remain the same. Caffeine,
Cat, Cigarettes and a lot of contemplation. Maybe I should buy one
of those nifty berets too?

Here's the very sad part

I wanted to provide a short-story to you. I was working on a short story with the title: "The magpie and the pie". It did not come to life. I deleted my 12 hours of work. I know why this mistake happened. I tried to make a structure out of a spontaneous story. It did not work. I can provide you with a picture I painted as a child though:

Here's the Blog + Story #1

I hope this is good enough.

In greatest regards:

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