👉🏻My Original Daily Motivation - "Make sure your actions, and words every day define the person you want to be in life"👈🏻

I am sorry about everyday mistake in the photo... lol

We all dream about the person we want to be in life or maybe become in the future. It really does not matter who is the person we want to become. Some of us want to be basketball players, painters, artist, architects, musicians...But all of us just want to go through life being a positive and happy person living a positive and happy life. I think everybody has the same goal of being happy in life right?

Our Choices

I am not saying our entire life will be "sunshine and rainbows" scenario. Bad things happen in life sometimes and we can't control it really. But, what we can control is how we react to those bad things and situations in life. That is always in our control. It is a CHOICE. Everything you do yourself is in your control. The way you think, speak, and your actions are ALWAYS in your control. You can't control life happenings and people actions in life, but your words and actions in life will always be your CHOICES.


So I want you to ask yourself a question of who do you want to be in life? A musician? Artist? Positive person? Happy person? It really does not matter who you want to be in life, but rather what it matters is what are you doing every day to become that person? Are your thoughts, words, and actions working towards being the person you want to be in life? Are you following what your heart and soul is telling you? Are you listening? That is what matters.

Your Actions Every Day

So what I am trying to say to you is if your actions every day don't build a person you want to be in life, then you will never become that person. If you are happy being the person you are than all power to you. But, if you are not I encourage to start doing things like the person you want to be in life. Start working on yourself every day, and every chance you get. Because you hold all the power to become any type of a person you want to be in life. You DO!!!

How do you do it? Well, if you want to become a great musician than it only makes sense you practice singing or playing an instrument. Get better at it every day. No matter who you want to be a person if you don't practice becoming that person you will never get there. It does not happen magically overnight. It happens with hours and hours of practice, hard work, and dedication. You are the best project you are ever going to work on in life. Even being positive and happy is practiced every day.



Wake up every morning with positive thinking and try to see positive in literally everything. In making your bed, washing dishes... I mean everything. Don't think about how "hard" it is, or how you don't feel like doing it. But, rather think about how amazing your nicely folded bed would look like, or how amazing and shiny your kitchen will look after you finish washing the dishes. Being positive and happy is all about having that positive perspective and seeing positive in literally everything. There is always a positive and negative side of things in life. And, yet again, it is our choice how you look at things and happenings in our lives. Always our CHOICE.

Safest Investment Is You

The only real safe investment in this life is to invest time and effort in yourself. You are improving yourself no matter what. Even if you fail at reaching that ultimate goal you had. Because you improved along the journey. And, you should keep improving. Don't let falling short once to reach your goals discourage you from trying again. Learn from it, and the greatest about life is that you CAN ALWAYS TRY AGAIN!!!!How cool is that? If you are still breathing you can TRY AGAIN. You gotta love that about life. We always get a second chance if we CHOOSE to take one. That is AGAIN IN OUR CONTROL.

The most important of all guys enjoy the journey of becoming the person you want to be in life. Enjoy everything. Because both failures, and success built the person you are today. Without failures, there would not be motivation for learning and improving ourselves. Because failures, in reality, are only motivation to learn and improve. They are our greatest teachers if we are willing to learn the lessons they are teaching us all?

Final Thoughts

So, my amazing Steemians, this is my final little advice I learned in the past year or little more. I realized if I am not happy right NOW, I mean right this moment, even when writing these words in my post, and sharing my thoughts with you. I am missing out on life. I realized happiness is NOW. And, I can control it. It is in my CONTROL. Happiness is all about my perspective on life and things happening in my life. I realized no material thing can "buy" me happiness. Because anything material can only give me short time pleasure, but not long time happiness. Longtime happiness is "hidden" in my everyday thoughts, actions, and choices. Being happy is the only person I want to be in life. And, I am the only one responsible for my happiness.



And, so are you, my friends. You are responsible for the person you want to be in life and your happiness. They are both under your control. Make sure your thoughts, words, and actions every day are working toward becoming the person you want to be in life. If you say you want to be this or that person than simply be it. Every single day of your life. You have the power to do so. What kind of person do your heart and soul want you to be? Are you listening to them?

"Make sure your actions, and words every day define the person you want to be in life"

Thank you all for reading, have an amazing day, much love,

dbjegovic 💕 💞 💓

If you enjoyed this post but need some extra motivation, go and check out some of the other motivational posts I wrote:

My Original Daily Motivation - "Find a quiet place to silence your mind in order to hear your soul." ☮️


My Original Daily Motivation - "It is great to stand up for what you believe in, but you also have to be ready to walk alone in order to protect your beliefs."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Every day is another opportunity to take steps toward our goals."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Stop saying I CAN'T. Stop COMPLAINING. Stop doubting YOURSELF. Stop being AFRAID. Start saying I CAN, and start believing with all your HEART."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Surround yourself with people who bring out the BEST of you. People who are there for you in the BEST, and WORST day's of your life."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Don't be afraid to be different in life, but rather be afraid of going through LIFE PRETENDING to be someone you are not."


My Original Daily Motivation - "You can FAIL. You can FALL DOWN. You can make a MISTAKE. It is all part of LIFE. The only thing you should never do is STAY DOWN, or quit on YOURSELF, and the DREAMS you have."


My Daily Original Motivation - "Failures, mistakes, and disappointments are merely guidelines to success."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Keep SHINNING your "LIGHT" every day. Eventually, the "CLOUDS" will disappear, and there will only be you there. Shinning your "LIGHT".⛅️


My Original Daily Motivation - "Never let anyone tell you what THEY think is IMPOSSIBLE for you in life. THEIR impossible could be YOUR POSSIBLE."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Dream of a happy life, and live you are DREAMING. Create your own happiness."


***My Original Daily Motivation - "You are as STRONG, as the obstacles you OVERCOME through life." ***


My Daily Original Motivation - "Breath in confidence and love. Exhale doubt and fear. REPEAT."


P.S. If you have not heard about the new amazing discord group called The Steam Engine you should definitely take a look. Amazing group of people helping each other become better Steemians and succeed on Steemit. Plus, of course, have some fun doing it.Take a look, maybe joining this success train will be one of the best decisions you made in 2018.

The STEEM Engine


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