WANTED: a decent cough remedy

Over this delightfully festive holiday time me and my family have been down with an absolute sod of a fever, which began on Christmas morning.


So in the days following on, we have been in recovery mode; past the high temperatures, aching limbs, headaches, sore throats...we’re now in the exercise of shouting “WHERE ARE THE TISSUES?” every 8 minutes.

Now, for me the real downside (except for not being awake long enough to watch a decent film) is that I’ve now been left with a... cough.

I mean a real meaty chesty can’t-be-contained-and-wakes-up-the-neighbourhood-dogs kind of cough.

The real problem is that I’m starting work shooting a video project on the 3rd Jan for a client.
And the last thing I need is to be COUGHING LOUDLY and uncontrollably behind the camera during our long takes.

The usual supermarket solutions tend to be typically useless.


I would love your home remedy suggestions

Comments very welcome, thank you in advance and happy new year etc

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