Going back to high school, a little shock. it's still the same

I feel like I'm getting old.

Today was my daughters induction to comprehensive school where she will start in September.

20 years ago I left comprehensive to live my life with the education it brought me and I never thought that my kids would ever be in the same school as I went to.

The School I went to has not even changed over the years since I left, there is still the memorial wall we did when I was 14 years old still on the wall, that is 22 years old.

The toilets are the same, probably not the same toilets but there in the same place as where they were when I went as a kid, and all my old classrooms are the same as they were all them years ago, it was like taking a trip back in time while visiting.

The only thing that has changed is the reception area and that has got a little office built into it now.

While there we were talking to the guy showing us around and I said I was a schools survivor from 1998 and it had not changed, he explained to us that there was talk about ripping the whole school down and rebuilding it and making it modern.

It got canceled as it was deemed to much money, but he said he was glad that they didn't rip it down as the school as it stands right now has more space per child than other schools, A class of 30 is a tight fit in other schools but in this school it could quite easy fit 40 to 50 kids but they would never make the classes any bigger than 35.

This means that the kids get more space, they get to learn better as they have more interaction than in small classes and less distractions.

We walked around it in half an hour and it was like taking a trip down memory lane.

There was one teacher left there from when I was a kid, but I never got the pleasure to meet him then or now, I knew who he was as we all talked as kids and you got to learn names.

My biggest surprise was the new built swimming baths this was built a few years ago and is part of the school too, it is so modern and up to date that I have just asked about swimming lessons.

All in all we are very happy with the school.

My daughter had to attend the school for the day today as part of her going up, she came out of school saying that she wanted to go to bed as she was so tired.
I remember my induction day, I felt the same, I remember climbing in bed after a day there as there is so much walking from one class room to another, then you have gym on top of that, it was a big shock for me and I think it's been a big shock for her too.

I don't know about you guys but when I left school I said I would never return and good riddance but now I am older I wish I could go back in time and do it all over again, I had no bills to pay, I didn't have to go to work and I could chill with my mates all the time.

Now its like work has taken over my life, I have bills to pay and 3 kids to feed. I keep telling my girls to stay young as you soon get old and thats worse than been at school



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