How to think up Magnetic Headlines

It’s all very well giving advice how to write dynamic headlines, but how to think them up is another issue all together! It can be real brain teaser. 

But with a little rummaging and delving into a few facts and re-arranging of words, it can be fun to think up new titles for your blogs. 

How to think up stunning headlines:

  1. Consider what the basic fact or concern of your blog is, or its strong point should be. What’s its obvious drawcard? 
  2. Then think WOW, `with-tongue-in-cheek’! It’s time to let your imagination run rite, weird, way-out stuff if necessary. What dynamic statement will wake-up or shake-up people to take another look? 
  3. What power does your headline have? Is it something people need to know about or secretly desire? Does it fill full a craving at all? 
  4. Then come down to earth. It’s time to make it work. Consider how to make your great headline logical and understandable. Does it make a straight forward statement
  5. Eliminate unnecessary excess words where possible. Little words like a, in, on, and, etc. Just one word less or more, can give your titles so much more punch. 
  6. Do you have to re-arrange the wording by any chance? Is there a better way of saying it? You’ll be amazed how re-arranging words can make a difference and create a completely different meaning! 
  7. If necessary consider SEO systems and valuation of the site. For example: Steemit has its own trending keywords. But remember people out there on the internet are still perhaps searching your topic on Google. And bringing people to Steemit is a double whammer! 
  8. Now you have a headline of sorts, does it look like an electrifying newspaper headline format by any chance? Is it dramatic enough? Does it a gripping sensation? 
  9. What action will it encourage? What do you think people will do about it? 
  10. Is it still something people want to know about? Is the topic a popular sort-after topic

After all that:

It’s how you put your headlines together: 

  • You don’t have to think up your headlines in precisely the same order of above.  
  • You don’t have to use all of those think-processes. 
  • Sometimes a quiet candid statement has more power that something bizarre. 

Topic preferences:

Take into consideration each topic has its own set-up and presentation. 

  • Each career, skill or hobby has its own protocol and jargon related to it. 
  • Who and how many people are likely to go for your headline topic’s scenario? 

Final conclusion:

Does your content support your headline? Is your headline worth clicking and content reading right to the end?

Are there any chances you may still have to make changes, either to the headline or to the content, to make things follow through more effectively

And why should it be fun to think up headlines?  

It gives you the feeling of power to be in control of the whole project. Give or take it’s in your hands to make the blog trend or not! You say to yourself as you press the publish button, “How goes and good luck!” :D  

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