Are you handing out passports?

How are you inviting people to your website? What type of links are you providing to your website?

Swagger Campaigns:

The usual way is to talk about your website and what you are doing on social platforms. But who else do you associate with? 

Close friends: 

Who are you mixing with? How often do you go out with your friends? What do you as a group talk about and share with each other? Do you learn about what they’ve done and are doing? Do you let them know what is happening with you as well? 

Opening `flood-gates’ with strangers : 

Do you talk to people on the bus or at the bus stop? Make friends. Find a topic you both can relate to and then ask questions. Find out what interests them. Maybe it will lead you to the point where you can tell them about what you do too. You never know the result of that `word-of-mouth’ exchanges will be! 

Here is a true story for an example:

A salesman, from a raw material supply firm; got into a lift with a man who looked like an Arab dressed in white swaddling clothes with a white turban, and they got talking. 

The man asked the salesman what he did for a living. The salesman happened to mention his firm produced very fine talc powder. Adding with tongue in cheek, that the talc was so fine that you could even eat it!  

The man in the Arab clothes was so impressed he asked the rep if he could have his business card. And they parted when they left the building. This happened in Johannesburg

A few months later the owner of the raw material business got a call from someone in Australia, for a massage talc order. The order was far more than the factory had ever made, and the customer had wanted the order to be shipped by the end of that month! 

Well the factory didn’t have big enough machinery to accommodate such a mammoth order. So they had to get the factory re-fitted out and they worked day and night to fulfil the order. 

After the order was shipped, the owner of the supply firm was so impressed with his salesman; he called him into his office to congratulate him and asked him how he got such a fantastic colossal order? 

Well, said the good salesman…. And he quietly related how he met this man in a lift and how the guy was dressed. 

Oooh!” said the owner of the business, so astonished, “That must have been Jesus Christ himself!” 

You may laugh, but you never know who you may meet. The `Arab’ guy had passed that business card to someone else in Australia, during his travels, and had repeated what he had heard about the special talc power that was been made in South Africa. 

People never know!

We don’t want to be seen boasting, be annoying, because we believe its bad manners. 

But if you sit at home and never let anyone know what you make or paint, no one will see it. And seeing is believing! If nothing is done, displayed or said, nothing gets sold either! 

It’s how, when and where you Crow:

There is always the right way and at the right time. 

  1. Preparation: Are you prepared well in advance for your own unknown `Arab’? What is your business card or `postcard’ like? 
  2. Quality and value: Is your ‘product’ fantastic enough to be interesting and worth buying into? 
  3. Choose your audience: Your audience must be the type of people that likes that sort of thing. What `country’ does your `passport’ link into with? 
  4. Select the place: Where are the bulk of those people? Do you supply the right type of `parking’ (shop/website) space? 
  5. Time: In this case it is knowing when to speak up and do your thing. 
  6. What type of advertising:  How do you project yourself and product? Good enough and interesting enough to be interviewed on radio, TV, etc? Do you represent a person of authority in your field of `study’? Has your life been like one whole bizarre adventure, that could spins out and produce a fantastic show? Could you say your website is like a great TV show?

Your way of `advertising’, is your passport to success!

The whole idea of my blogs is to make people think more deeply (including reading between the lines) about what they want and how they could do it… their way.  

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