
The practice of bonsai dates back to China approximately 2,000 to 2,500 years ago, PUN-CHING is the word used to describe this practice, the etymology of the word has its origins in:

A change occurs in the word when this type of fine art moves to Japan, there the term changes to BONSAI. In ancient times this practice was complemented by the complex adornment of gardens, barracks, pools, rocks, houses, small lakes, all together, with the sole purpose of decorating and giving it an economic status within society at that time in the old China, what is now known as a Zen garden, then practice is being disseminated and schools, facilities and training centers where knowledge was moved to the home and its practice became more enjoyable and ornamental, and the beautiful range of varieties that resulted from that manifestation is what we can observe today.

This small tree was picked up by the recovery method, which basically consists of picking up a small tree from nature and transplanting it to a suitable environment

The BONSAI itself can measure different sizes, span numerous and variable measures ranging from 5 cm in height to the tiniest, up to no more than 120, 130 or 140 cm in some cases, from the technical point any plant can be converted into bonsai or small tree, as a small bonus it is better to select trees of leaves, flowers and small fruits, since these by their internal maturation processes are generally a little more stable than plants or fruit trees and large flowers, but this is Much in care and the relationship with the plant.

The main objective of the dish or pot is to slow down the growth of the tree, in nature we see these examples that for reasons of climate, topography, and various factors have slowed their growth in almost all aspects, from the shape, size and the proportion; in the field you can find these wonders in which you can reduce the proportion of branches, leaves, flakes and trunk and bring better control. The final goal is to get a tree of much smaller size and at the same time preserve the health and beauty of the plant or tree, remember to make a conscious connection with the plant, it is well known that they are beings that experience similar frequencies to ours.

Start your search

From now on what is needed is conviction, a strength of the human being, you must find a suitable place to collect and transplant the plant or tree that you chose. There are many ways, I'll give you some of the most effective ways to find what you're looking for, plus I'll share my search so you have a starting point.

Method by recovery

By the method of recovery means the way to find those trees and plants suitable for transplanting, meaning and in this I want to make special emphasis precisely not to tear the first small tree we see. Many amateurs do not consider that this tree that is in its natural habitat, has already adapted almost perfectly to the acidity of the soil, the humidity of the environment, the climatic factors and the passage of the seasons (this for the two tropics where the four seasons are experienced). And to quote this I do not mean that you can not touch anything, I only emphasize the special care you must have when you start a tree or plant from your "home", I personally go to the works, bridges, buildings and places that are going to build, that is the best place to adopt a plant friend, it is well known that they will cease to exist, in addition this type of bonsai especially is very striking since it is a type of rescue and recovery.

-the open field is the best option when looking for a suitable prospect and provides an opportunity for emotional enjoyment without equal-

This beautiful specimen was transplanted in the last exit of @arborescente on the outskirts of Medellín-Colombia

Method by seeds

It is the best known method, and even so it is not the most implemented, since it requires special care so that the seed of fruits, personally produces more adrenaline to look for the trees and to transplant them, these cares discourage many to the beginners who They want to see radical and accelerated changes in their small plant, what many people do not know is that it requires time and effort for the seed to turn into a plant and then into a tree, but its care lies in basic steps, the seed In general, it should be watered very early in the morning or very late after 6 PM, when the pores of the roots are open.

Cutting method by cuttings

EIt is a well-known method and consists of making a cut preferably in those branches or flakes that we know will soon be lost, so we assure that when cutting it, new stimuli are generated in the mother nerve so that it produces new bonds and a start to germinate , how I said it before always be careful of the cuts, not very deep and not very superficial, in front of it you should pass the cut branch to a pot with good soil and fertilizer, irrigate with water and maintain humidity, result will surprise you, you could create your own work of art, take the step you need, start where you want, but do it, it is liberating, it is healing, it is therapeutic, you have everything at hand ✋.

This is my result of cutting by cuttings, it is not so complex, it requires a lot of care and dedication 😎

This method is as its name indicates in looking for a nursery and search there for the tree or plant you want for you, remember that an early choice can deprive you of a great experience, give yourself the opportunity and time necessary for a good choice.

No matter what method you use, what really matters here is the love, commitment and dedication that you add to your project, I am sure that with those three qualities what you program you will achieve.

*** @arborescente ** gives you only several options of many more known today, those exposed here have been tested and with pleasure I share so that you can achieve your own garden. I hope you enjoyed this small introduction that also captivates me personally, in the next installment we will review in a more profound way the different types of plantation appropriate for a Bonsai, irrigation and other care that you must have to achieve a better attention, quality and presentation in your Bonsai.

# Bonus

Here you have the main care for these times of the year:

SUMMER (May to September)

  • Outdoor Bonsai:

*Watering regularly; It is the most important precaution. Spraying on dry and hot days.
*Pruning; Frequent detachment of the leaves. Pinching of conifers [from the end of May to June).
*Cleaning; it is sought to keep everything in good asepsis of the soil regularly also we must weed, remove debris and garbage.
*Ligatures in the hardwoods.
*Diseases and parasites: parasitic attacks, favored by heat and humidity, will be avoided.
*If necessary, sensitive species are put in the shade of the strong summer sun.

  • Indoor Bonsai:

*Regular irrigation and spraying.
*Periodic fertilization.
*Transplant is possible throughout the summer.
*Maintenance pruning.
*Parasites and diseases; Attention will be paid to parasitic attacks. Preventive treatment.
*Be careful with the sun, especially with the plants behind the windows or large windows, they absorb large heat and dissipate moisture very fast.

Note: the images exposed here are mine and edited by me, you can share, if you wish to donate is welcome

Thank you for reading 👍

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"All my references have been taken from these supporting texts, if you wish you can acquire them as an eBook"

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