This Is Your Facial Expression In Outer Space If Without Using Astronaut Clothes


This is what happens to your body. 1. Extreme temperatures that can reach -270 degrees Celcius will make your body frozen Another case with on earth. In outer space you can be at extreme temperatures. When not exposed to sunlight, the temperature there can reach -270 degrees Celsius! 2. In addition to freezing, exposure to direct sunlight without ozone layer can also make you attacked skin cancer or even make your body ablaze 3. Zero air pressure in space will make 70% of water in your body turned into water vapor. This can cause you to swell like a balloon 4. Zero air pressure can also cause your body to turn blue due to lack of oxygen supply to the brain. Other organs will also stop working slowly In a vacuum, you will obviously lack of oxygen in the body. This condition is called hypoxia. Without oxygen supply to the muscles and other vital organs, your cardiovascular system will not work. Oxygen starvation will make you choke and slowly your face and your body will turn blue. Then your body will limp and faint. 5. Without the atmosphere like on earth, heart organ can no longer pump blood throughout the body, so the blood pressure becomes zero. 6. Space warehouse dangerous particles. Without your body armor will be exposed to gamma rays to x-rays Countless amounts of harmful material contained in space. Hazardous subatomic particles and materials such as gamma rays, high-energy protons, and x-rays can attack your body directly. In the end you can get cancer and die poisoning. 7. Holding your breath in outer space without an astronaut shirt will actually make your lungs break. That's why every astronaut is obliged to wear protective clothing while working in a vacuum. Yes because the human body is not designed to live in outer space anyway

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