20 Minute Blog <strike>a Day</strike> when I can - financial freedom

I stumbled onto this challenge about financial freedom by @promo-mentors and was immediately inspired. I mean who wouldn't want to imagine a dream lifestyle where money was of no concern??

I'm not big on contests because I don't perform well under stress plus I'm not really familiar with the page so I was hesitant to enter but it's a topic I wanted to explore more. I mean doesn't Financial Freedom have such a beautiful ring to it?

I have been deeply disappointed in my commitment to my 20 min blog a day but like the good Taurus I am - I cannot give in. It might be sporadic but I'm still trying. Maybe I should change the title to 20 minute blog when I can.

So, back to the topic; What would I do if financial struggles were not bogging me down, forcing me and my husband to do j-o-b's we do not enjoy just in order to get through each month? I don't think there would be enough hours in the day but this time I say that in the best way possible instead of the most stressed way.

First and fore most, if money was of no concern I'd be renting space at a local organic garden/farm and getting all my food directly from sources that I knew. Also I would dedicate a few hours everyday to learning how to garden and grow my own food so that once I had the knowledge and skills I could start my own farm at my home.

I would carve a decent amount of time out to travel the US by RV. This has always been my ultimate "IF I win the lottery I'd.." plan. If I had the capabilities I would have Steemit meet ups across the states and meet all types of Steemians in real life, document the whole thing and promote it to new people all along the way!

Now that I think about it I would be giving things away everywhere I went: free tarot readings, free artwork, I'd be showing up to poetry nights and sharing my work and meeting other poets.

I would rent a cabin in Maine for an entire winter. Get snowed in and finish my novel I have so easily stuffed on the back burner. I would put it up on ebooks and pdf format for free so anyone could read it.

I would send my kids to summer camps and after school activities, not to get rid of them or because I have to WORK but so they could have FUN and learn new things.

I would spend thousands making pamphlets on the education crisis, the prison systems, GMO's, on yoga and mediation, on Dr. Sebi's health teachings and SO many other amazing teachers and I would give them out everywhere I went. I would give away my Conscious Clothing Collection for free. I would visit schools and community centers and make the parents aware of what is happening to their children and to our world.

If I had financial freedom I would make each day count in a different way. Sure some days I would just lay around the beautiful earth and marvel at her wonder, some days I may sleep or lay around in a hammock at the ocean all day but I'd still consider it a productive way to spend my time.

I would spend my time creating things to make the world a tiny bit better than it was the day before. Which now I am starting to see I can do without making money. This has been a really fun writing exercise actually. I'm glad I decided to make my blog about this topic.

What would you do if you had financial freedom?

Maybe just take some time to think of this on your own without writing down anything. Or write it and don't share it even.. BUT if you want to join into the challenge go check out the post @promo-mentors blog and maybe you can even make a little bit of SBD off your ideas!

ALL images in today's post were sourced from the wonderful artists at Pixabay

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