20 Minute Blog a Day - Weapons of Mass Debating

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So recently I've been out of work and spending my days with my dad while my husband and kids are out for the day. As I'm sure many can relate, I love my dad but boy can he piss me off. He's one of those people who has to play the devil's advocate.. he argues just to argue.

This has been a whole new learning experience.. Once you think you're making headway with meditation and regulating your energies you're immediately thrown into test.

With that said you can easily see how I came up my rant for today.

It is so frustrating when I want to convey some information on a topic I've spent days or weeks looking into.

How can I explain this entire mountain of knowledge in 5 minutes?
Not because I want or need them to believe me either but to ensure they have the same facts that I do - So we're on the same playing field. They’re free to make their own decision AFTER they know what I know.

Enter: Weapons of Mass Debating

I dream of the day when I'll have the right weapons to whip out during a heated debate. These tools would sum up all of my hard work with ease and precision.
My Arsenal includes:

  • a short 5 minute video compilation featuring all the most influential persons confirming said point
  • 2-3 statistic charts or graphs
  • a quick power point presentation
  • a handout for post education including books, articles, and documentaries to follow up on

Only after I've "Pushed the Button" can we have a real conversation!

and you know what ?

I have that same expectation when the shoes on the other foot!

Show me your arsenal of weaponry.
Give me the research I deserve to know.
Don't push your truths on me.
Show me the data, gimme the sources, articles, books to read and then I build my own truth. This is how it works.

Chances are if the reasoning is there, you are gonna come to the same conclusions as me. I truly believe most people have common morality no matter who/where you are. There are natural laws in our universe and when sane, sovereign, good people look at the same facts then almost always come to the same conclusions - especially on moral issues.

These Weapons of Mass Debating can change the world!

Imagine a time when we each can share our well-earned knowledge, our harvested truths, and merge them together for the sake of education. If people would take the time to forge their weapons - they'd appreciate the knowledge the take in, they'd take time to truly understand those beliefs they gobble down presently.
People may even end up more willing to change their weaponry to newer, updated, better working models if they understood the importance in the first place.

Just a thought for today - my 20 minutes is way up!

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