20 Minute Blog a Day - The 2 Major Global System Failures

I have completely lost focus on my daily 20 minute writing challenge but in the spirit of perseverance I will pick it back up.

Today I thought I'd write a bit about one of my ideas. This is a much larger topic than I can completely cover in a 20min free write but regardless I want to hit on it because it's been pressing on my conscious thoughts.

Since working through my Prison Series I have spent a decent portion of time researching the failures of the judicial system in America but I've also been looking at the resilience of individuals. A person will always find a way to get what they want.. what they "need" and also what they actually need.

The issue comes in when that opinion of what it is they need is distorted or manipulated in some way.
Which each and every single one of us is a -victim- of. (I don't like that word "victim" but for lack of better means to convey the mentality I will use it).

Now, depending on where you were dropped on this planet you have been installed with certain opinions of what you need to "survive" (another ridiculous word.. either we are eternal beings or NOT.. either there is no such thing as survival because you think when you die it's over.. and then in fact no one can EVER really survive -OR- you choose to think the soul is separate and eternal so why worry about how long you live in this particular body in this place and time?)

Anyways, I digress.. the main point here is all people alive today and or born in tomorrow will become mentally distorted-programmed if you will, with the system by which this world works, about how society works as well as their individual family units operations.

My idea here is that there is a Global virus that infected our system. Somewhere along the way... way back when, a virus took hold of our operating system and rewrote the code. They installed new programs, like updates gone wrong.

I believe there are 2 Global System Failures.

These malfunctions are so deeply ingrained into the Matrix that it's believed this is the only way "civilized society" can even work. If you ask people to imagine the world without these makeups they are dumbfounded.

I see each and every problem the world faces as a byproduct of these two system failures.

#1. Illusion of Sovereignty / False Freedom

I use both sovereignty and freedom because it seems to many the terms are interchangeable. I disagree but that's a conversation for another time. For this purpose I am talking about both and the overhanging, always present authority figure. This system failure falls into the hands of every user because we eagerly submit to it every day. We happily turn our responsibilities over to the next person up the chain of command instead of taking on the decision for ourselves.
This system failure has made each person believe that they can never be a sovereign adult - there is always a boss, a higher up, who tells them what is acceptable behavior, goals, or "good for them".
This No Man is above the Law type of mentality has pushed each one of us into a life of servitude - yet when asked on a individual level about their personal morals a huge majority of people agree on the same basic code of ethics.. so why would we need so many laws, overseers, judges and armies?
The illusion is so jaded - the failure so subtle that most people think they are free to do as they please. But I ask you how as a sovereign, experienced adult are you not able to choose what you put in your own body? How as an adult home owner not allowed to grow food on your front lawn?
We have been programmed to believe freedom/sovereignty is a tier system where some people are better "judges" than others, some people's "freedoms" are less important than others, because this person holds this "job" they hold authority over us, our families, our children.
It is all a lie. We do not need government officials to keep the peace for us if we keep the peace ourselves.

#2. Pay to Live Cycle / Debt-based economics

Debt-based economics might be a newer term but the pay to live program has been running for thousands of years. Now, I'm not talking about bartering, growing your own food and trading or skill sharing- those are integral parts of the true ecosystem I'm talking about money. Assigning values to goods and services seemed like a good idea - as most phishing links usually do.. but once initiated this system has only continued to branch out into all types of areas it had no business. It is so far gone that we now assign monetary value (on an HOURLY rate none the less) of human life.

We were all born on this planet in the same way. The Earth provides everything needed for life to grow: food, air, light, shelter. The land will out live us all yet we think we can by it with fiat currencies that mean nothing to any being other than man.

Somehow entropy has brought us to the present world where you must pay a tax on everything you "own", pay a tax to make transactions, pay a fee for needing a drink of water. We literally allow people to die of thirst because they do not have a fake piece of paper in their hand. We allow millions of homes to sit empty because God forbid someone lived in a house they did not have the illusion of financed credit to back their right to that home. Children eat garbage (literally and figuratively) because their parents' HOURLY worth is deemed minimum and therefore they are left scraping together what little they have to buy the cheapest food available.

It is not even about the original/actual COST of building, making or providing whatever service anymore. Because of ridiculous concepts like inflation and interest these "costs" grow to monstrous amounts fairly rapidly and when you add in the cruel crediting system you cannot even qualify for many items unless you can prove you are financially worthy.

The pay to live system makes no sense. It is a set up, the mother of all pyramid schemes. It is one thing for a community to determine the value of a human by what services or goods they provide to the community but that is done at a human level where skills and products can be traded for other needed services. This only works when there is a human element of mutual respect and need happening. Otherwise it turns into what we have today: Corporations running the world like businesses and treating each human like an employee expense on their report.

Well this was a tad over 20 minutes but I guess I'm back with a bang lol as always thanks for reading.


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