20 Minute Blog a Day - admitting you have a problem is the first step

I almost missed today. I missed yesterday but I wrote a real blog so I figured I got my 20 mins in already.

Tonight I want to give my 20 minutes to write about a real problem I have been coping with my whole life... it eats away at my spare time and ruins my potential to make new friends..

I'm a Chronic Re-reader.

Yes, this is really a problem. And by new friends I may have meant book characters inside my head.. but they do really become like friends.. lol

The Problem

Each time I go to start a new book I think of an old one I haven't read in a while, convince myself I've got too much going on and couldn't possibly give my FULL attention to a new book so I'd better grab an oldie but goodie so if I get distracted or forget to finish it.. well I've read it already!

That is how I picked up the Chronicles of Narnia a few weeks ago instead of The Source - this new book my dad lent me.

Don't get me wrong, I do have a variety of favorites I circle through so it'd been a few years since I last read C.S.lewis and there's juat so much knowledge in that series. I've truly only really read it through twice..

and here I am justifying my problem to you all!

Do any of you have the same problem?

I've heard people say they'd never read the same book twice. I can't help but cringe at that... how do you even know it's that good until you've read it twice?!

Truth be told I'm about to begin The Last Battle, (that's the last book in the chronicles of Narnia - but I hope you know that already LOL) - and I'm ready to start over.. I think this may be the right tine to jump into a new book!

Secretly, The Stand by Stephen King is calling my name... it seems fitting to keep the epic battle of good vs. evil theme going.. but I'm gonna try to ignore that little voice and read The Source or maybe Be Here Now.

I'd love to hear if anyone has the same problem and if you do - what are you're go-to books?

That's my 20 mins for tonight!

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