The Illusion Behind The World Is Getting Better.

Are people getting better or worse? Are we becoming smarter or dumber? These are both questions that ive been very interested in doing some research on. I first started by approaching my freinds and family to see what their thoughts were on this. Almost all of them believed times were getting better for mankind. And what was interesting was the ideas that they used to support their claims, such as people are more eager to learn and receive an education or how people today are more interested in getting better jobs to make more money.I then decided to go ahead and get a scientific opinion. I came across an analysis done by Steven Pinker, a cognitive psychologist and popular science author. His analysis was based off of recent data on homicide, war, poverty, pollution, and more.

I wasnt completely convinced by his analysis at first so i decided to research on some charts myself and came across these, clear evidence were getting better right?

Although these charts show an increase there are still clear signs we are slaves to the system, you would think that if we were in a better place today then people would be generally happier Right? However this chart of US suicide Rates shows a rise of suicide rates by 30%


Today, people believe that they are happier than anyone could have been before or so they want to believe, this is because the smarter we become the more we see, the more we see the ugly truths of the world the less enjoyable life is. Today people have lost the true meaning of living life, now they are conditioned to focusing all their times on things like watching TV and admiring celebrities, and if they aren't spending their time doing that they are working more than 30 hours a week at a job they most likely don't enjoy. Today people have been stripped of things that are meaningful to them like spirituality, hobbies, being creative, and most important learning about who they are as individuals. Today people are programmed to live under an agenda, an agenda created by corporations and government in order to keep them in the thoughts that they've created for them. People today struggle with being happy with themselves, building relationships, and most importantly finding what the meaning of life is really about.

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