Hilarious Reasons Why Girls Fight!

How is it to see girls fight or two friends pulling up a fight? I’ve heard people telling that girls fight for no reasons and few girls fight like a bitch by bitching about each other. I’ve also personally felt that girls fight even for the simplest of things and blow it up to a big fireball. No wonder how close they were or they are, when it comes to the scenes of quarrel, it is a storm in a teacup.

Sometimes when the quarrel is between a couple, the guys don’t really get the knack of why these girls fight for trivial matters and when asked they have a cliched say that they actually fight because they love their husbands and, in a way, they also feel it’s the right reason.

But to bring it to you all the real fun fact behind it, here you go. Read further more till the end. Am sure you men, whoever is reading will again feel that it is way too silly and weird.

Case 1
Sometimes, life feels so monotonous for people sitting at home and reciprocating the schedule over and over and over again on a daily basis. If not for men at least for women it's just a plain-flat schedule day-in and day-out. They feel sick and bored of their routines and end up hitting the walls. So, when boredom strikes, the bells to pull up a silly fight rings in their minds. But guys, what is life without masala and drama?

Case 2
Though the idea for any girl is not to insult an injury but at least to test the level of patience and tolerance that these men have. The thrill is just amazing while pulling others legs for no reason at all. At times the girls are pretty clever that they test their guys level of patience and act accordingly the next time. No matter at the end of a fight, these girls get screwed up badly from their men.

Case 3
The other case is when the girls want to admire men’s beauty while they fight and shout at them. Sounds strange and really, why do they have to admire their partner by pulling-up a fight. They can just like that peek at his face and still admire the beauty and smartness, right? Girls, I think we just shouldn’t exaggerate stuff.

Case 4
Well, this is going to sound a little like a stardust (naively romantic). For many girls cuddling with their men is the best part in their life. If left they would just keep cuddling for hours together. So probably when after a fight both of them join hands in compromise, the making-up after a fight is the best moment ever for girls and yeah also for guys indeed.

Guys at the end of the day, shut your egos and have a balanced relationship. Do not crib about the past and blame your girls as fight pickers and stone angels. They are so sweet by the way. Just for your information! Lol...


Take look at my other works

  1. Terry Fox - The Marathon Of Hope (Real Inspiration)
  2. Spiral, Cylinder, Roller, Twisted - Shapes that we eat.
  3. Yoga - Make It a Part of Your Life.



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