Kickico - Blockchain Fundraising Platform

Kickico - Platform for crowdfunding, crowd investing, and ICO

Crowdfunding platforms are very popular and they have been around for several years. There are various such platforms that raise thousands of dollars to back varied projects. It was only a matter of time before we saw it being adapted in an innovative way for the blockchain.

What is Kickico?

A crowdfunding platform that will allows projects to create fundraisers, as well as provide them the necessary support and be involved in their development after launch. is a project that is created by Anti Danilevski, a Russian crowd-funding evangelist. He is the brains behind famous Russian non-blockchain fundraising platforms like and Boomstarter.

According to their whitepaper:

KICKICO is the first up-and-running blockchain fundraising platform that offers comprehensive solutions for ICOs, crowdfunding, and crowd-investing.

  • We provide fundraisers with everything they need: technical solutions, including smart-contracts, marketing outreach, and also advisory and management expertise, all driven by our team of 20 fundraising experts.
  • We provide all projects' backers with a bonus in addition to the tokens they get and we protect them from unfeasible projects by studying every project's potential and getting the expert analysis of our advisors (experts in different fields).
  • KICKICO and all the projects within its ecosystem form the Kickonomy, a space powered by KickCoins that perform a variety of utility roles for users and creators.
  • We are transparent: KickCoin is controlled by the KickCoin fund, which is independent and ruled by the community.

Our mission is to help innovators, game developers, entrepreneurs, designers, and other future-thinking creators to bring their ideas to reality regardless to their location, origin, or socio-economic status.

Source: kickico bitcointalk

KickICO - Token Sale

The KickICO recently concluded its very successful crowd-sale. Going by the interest it generated, the ICO is sure on the right path to meeting its targets and fulfilling its goal of being a name to reckon with in the crowdfunding domain.

Source: kickico website

KickICO - Roadmap

Source: kickico bitcointalk

  • The Beta of the website was already functional, and the team intends to launch the full website in October 2017. The platform will allow to launch ICOs ( where projects can issue their own tokens) as well as crowd investing campaigns and crowdfunding campaigns (where projects will offer some rewards but not tokens).

  • There is more positive and good news for backers/investors of this ICO - KickCoin will get listed on 3 major exchanges HitBTC, WEX (ex BTC-E) and CyberEx (C2CX) soon. The negotiations to get listed on Poloneix , Bitfinex , Bittrex are ongoing which is bound to attract more investors and crypto enthusiasts.

  • There are already a list of interesting projects ready to go live on the platform with the token cap ranging from 200 to 60000 ETH.

Source: kickico website

The Team

Comprising of a diverse and talented group of individuals, you can meet the entire core team as well as the advisers and partners here.


Social Media

You can reach the team and learn more details below:


There are several great opportunities to be had from a fully functional crowdfunding platform on the blockchain. This is a huge industry, and the growth prospects are enormous. With more and more people getting involved in this project, the platform would become more valuable. We would have a platform that is not restricted by regions. General obstacles that are usually encountered during crowdfunding campaigns on normal websites, like payment systems, banks, administration can be eliminated by use of simpler systems involving cryptocurrency. Smaller blockchain projects would be greatly benefited by the support offered through KICKONOMY. However, for mass adoption, KICKICO would have to convince bigger ICOs to launch on their projects which would not be very compelling for ICOs who would prefer to launch on their own. The fees on KICKICO have to be kept competitive to attract more projects. KICKICO seems like an interesting project, and the true potential can only be realized once we see them chart their journey and witness adoption by bigger projects.

Author: @jznsamuel

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