Blog-GL! 10 curiosities that will make you want to learn to dance.

Although it is something that has been with us since the beginning of time, more and more people are encouraging themselves to learn to dance. And it is normal. Not only is it a great exercise for your health, it is also a good way to entertain and socialize. But the story behind the dance is much bigger than you imagine. If you like dancing, you are also interested in the 10 curiosities that we are going to tell you next.

Ten curiosities of dance that you do not know

  • During World War II, Hitler prohibited all forms of modern art. However, dance was the only discipline that was saved.

  • Surely you know pole dance; it is the dance that is done around a bar. What you probably do not know is that it comes from an ancient Indian exercise called Mallakhamb, which has more than 900 years of history and was part of the training of the warriors. Currently there are many people who join pole dance classes.

  • An average of eighty hours have been invested in producing each of the tutus that are used in dance.

  • The dance is a great exercise for many athletes. Improves coordination and resistance. If you like to play football and want to improve your technique, experts recommend you to dance samba as an excellent complement.

  • If you dance, never dance on July 26. It is a black date in this discipline. Since that day in the year 1862 the dancer Emma Livry died when the tutu caught fire. And that's why today they are made with flame retardant fabrics.

  • The name of flamenco comes from Arabic. And its translation means "peasant without land".

  • If you are a fan of ballet, there are two works that you can not miss: The Nutcracker and The Sleeping Beauty. What they have in common is that both are inspired by children's stories.

  • Dance classes are a great exercise for your heart, and to burn calories. It is estimated that almost 250 calories are lost by ballet ballet. Dancing hip hop can lose up to 400 per session. And in one of intense zumba up to 800.

  • Louis XIV was one of the most famous French monarchs in history. And one of his hobbies was dancing. He was a great promoter of this art and even created the first professional academy dedicated to dance, the Académie Royale de Danse.

  • If you have ever seen ballet dancing, you probably have been impressed by how they make "punta". That is, when they only hold on the tips of their feet. Well, every time a dancer jumps on their ends, they are supporting, in the fall, approximately three times the weight of their body. Almost nothing.


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