A Brand New Start On The Hive Blockchain


I would not be writing this as a introduction post ad there is no need of that.

I am writing this as a brand new start post on the hive blockchain. That may sound confusing but yeah wait a little bit and follow me along while I explain.

I have been on steemit for at least two years and years I know I started steem in a rough way, you know what I mean when I said I started steem in a rough way.

Firstly, I started steem on a lack of knowledge of how the steem platform or should I called it the community works then. I have problems getting along with the blockchain, no body to put me through, no tutorial post for me to read then. I am just left with me and my self only to discover how it works and I will not lie I discover it but I will never wish anybody to follow my paths because it took me months to be more specific around 5-6 months to get along with the steemit blockchain. You can now see that.

Secondly, like I said, not knowing how the system works, I need to get into a fight with the steem cleaners and getting fought and fought, getting blacklist, down vote and many more it was just fustrating.

Now I am on hive, I will not deny myself as I am that same guy with the owner of the account @adenijiadeshina.


Yeah but I am starting fresh, with a new leave on the hive blockchain. I am starting on a good note, a good way and a good path and not with the same path as the steem blockchain.

With those who knows me with my former account on steemit that is I am talking about the @adenijiadeshina, you don't need to worry as it is no more that same guy again, it is new fresh and learnt guy who have started on a good, note on the hive blockchain .

Don't misquote me with my past behavior on the steemit blockchain concerning the @adenijiadeshina I use then.

I have turned a new leave, I repeat that again and again, I have turned a new leave and when someone turns a new leave, you accept him or her back.

So I am waiting for the hive blockchain or should I say the community to accept me back.

I don't know whether I should refer this as a hive introduction post organized by the @blocktrades @ocd @ocdb or should I say my confess post on the hive e or community concerning me turning a new leave.

I hope the community accept me back and if yes, I will be damn happy and happy and will ride on.

I await the response from the hive community or blockchain.

Lastly is hive a blockchain or a community because that confuse me a lot?

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