Test post with no images.

I'm making this test post because @dana-varahi is developing a new feature on BlockPress for handling how a post listing looks with and without thumbnail images. This new feature will automatically use the first image of any post as the thumbnail, so to test how a post will preview without a thumbnail, I'm having to create an example.

Since Dana is still fixing the styling of the various themes for this new method of displaying the thumbnails, she asked me to create this test post. I writing a few paragraphs because it is important for the post to have a significant amount of text.

Anyway, I'm declining payout on this post because it really isn't quality content worthy of a post. :P

At best it is cheap promotion for the BlockPress project...

So what else can I do?

Well, test out a few things like headers and lists?

  • But then what
  • kind of thing would I
  • put inside a list?


That is probably enough. Maybe some links to BlockPress...

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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