Steem Summit and The Block Party

We're Coming To Upstate New York, Niagara Falls, and MORE!

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Let's get together, shall we?

In late June, the 23rd thru June 28th

There are a series of AirBnB in Upstate, that are for rent by the same owner. @enginewitty and a bunch of folks in the Alliance, are planning a big Block Party. a big group of folks from @thealliance are planning on coming to meet.
I know that @enginewitty has already rented THE CASTLE!!! How ironic!


The Castle! Booked by Engine.

Meanwhile, a few of us have booked our cottage right next door, for the SteemSummit and Block Party. we are definitely interested in hosting one night, probably the Friday night on our outdoor grille, where we make a big group dinner, and have everyone bring Pot luck side dishes, etc.

The Steem Summit

It's time for us, all to start planning The Steem Summit in Upstate New York.

Who's coming? Who's Speaking?
What cool Steem Speakers, Presenters, or Steem movers and shakers do you want to hear speak? Or, what do you have to share with the world about Steem?
Are there Witnesses that want to speak? Present?
We're getting together, to talk Steem. To talk onboarding. To talk making the platform better. To show the best of the blockchain. To show off, and to laugh in person.

What are your thoughts?

@shadowspub @brisby @dreemsteem @blueeyes8960 @snook @thealliance @mariannewest

By the way, here's The Alliance's Proposal for some funding for the Steem Summit attendees:

POSSIBLE Week's schedule for now:

Tuesday Day, Travel
TUESDAY NIGHT, grab something to go, and meet all together, visit our Host @enginewitty
WEDNESDAY, dinner with your small cottage mates
THURSDAY ? possible Niagara Falls?
Friday day, some Steem Summit afternoon
FRIDAY, We'll probably host the potluck BBQ night for anyone attending, weather permitting.
Saturday Day more Summit Stuff
SATURDAY NIGHT, closing night dinner
Sunday Day travel home

Always, I strive to give back

To the animals and birds around me

to put more plants in than I take out

And be a good steward for the world around me!

All Photos by Bluefin Studios.



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